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A-Z meme by Cowboypunk

Nabbed from sixrabbits

A. What are your favorite smells?
Most things food (peaches and lemonade are favorites for this time of year), plants and rain. Also raw beef. Idk what it is but I can't get enough of it before I cook it.

B. Can you go a whole day without caffeine?
Yeah, I go tons of days without caffeine, largely due to the fact that it could trigger my Graves Disease to be active again :T

C. Who knows more about you than anyone else?
I guess my partner. I'm not much of a sharer, though. I'm a hold-it-all-in-until-the-problems-are-gone kinda person.

D. What song did you last listen to?

E. Do you have a crush on anybody?
Willow from Buffy the Vampire slayer because she's amazing.

F. Do you like The Beatles?
Not in particular. Apparently my music tastes are pretty consistently broody jazz/ambient/folk.

G. If you could choose one color to wear for a whole year, what color would you choose?
Black because I pretty much dress like a weird modernized western villain.

H. Do you cook often?
I do a lot! I'm apparently the only one among my friends who knows how to cook much of anything? I don't really like to cook, I just really like food.

I. What was the last film you watched? Did you like it?
I guess I'll count Poirot as a movie, because honestly these episodes are over an hour and a half long. I'm on season 10 and it's grown on me.

J. Can you sew?
Yes. And print and dye fabric!

K. What is your favorite fruit?
Watermelon. During summer I eat it almost every day. If they get kinda gross and mealy, I blend them down and freeze them with some juice and a little sugar to make watermelon granita.

L. Are you health conscious?
I am, but am not exactly active about it. I also just generally prefer getting fresh fruits and vegetables and cooking from that, so a lot of what I make is pretty healthy. I'm pretty much sedentary though.

M. Go do the Kinsey scale test, what number result did you receive?
I got X
That sounds about right.
At least regarding the honestly simple options available. :I

N. Do you curse a lot?
Yes. I'm actually playing a Dungeons and Dragons character that specifically does not use abrasive or offensive language and I'm not good at staying true to that ._.

O. When was the last time you had a pint of beer?
Never, beer is awful. I usually drink cheap champagne or mix something with jello so I don't have to deal with the alcohol flavor as much. There's a few tea vodkas out there that are okay too.

P. Are you pro life or pro choice?
Choice. I think that the world and this decision is far too nuanced, with too many further reaching consequences, to just use a blanket "no". Maybe at some point in the future, it won't be necessary, but for now it's the grim reality of our limitations and our needs.

Q. Is there a certain food you often crave for no reason?
Milk usually. It's just so damn satisfying.

R. What was the last book you purchased?
I legitimately don't know.

S. Where was your last vacation?
Uuuuh, dunno, it's been too long.
Probably visiting family in Branson, ugh.

T. Do you shave your pits?

U. Did you ever play seven minutes in heaven?
I was waaaaay to much of a social reject to even be in the presence of that game.

V. Girls, when was the last time you went out without a bra?
Wtf do I do with this?

W. Guys, when was the last time you went shirtless in public?
These are.....vaguely insulting from my position???

X. Have you ever broken a bone? If so, how did it happen?
Only once. I broke my toe and I did because I stood up too quick, started blacking out and accidently kicked the kitchen counter. I didn't feel it though, just heard it.

Y. How do you like your eggs?
Scrambled with asiago cheese and little bits of sausage and onion. I made this with just stuff I had in the fridge once and learned that the cheese changes the texture in such a way that it tastes weirdly similar to crab cakes with all those ingredients.

Z. What was your last argument about and who with?
I was arguing with my partner about how genitals for a made up race works -_-

A-Z meme


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    Z is the best kind of argument. :V

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      To be perfectly honest, we end up having these arguments a little more than I would like to admit, haha

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        At least it's over something important and/or hilarious.

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    ^I'm inclined to agree omg

  • Link I wish I had asiago to put in my daily bacon egg and cheese. What have you done

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