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BLFC 2015 by holodrom

1) What hotel are you staying at?
The main hotel, the GSR!

2) Arrival/Departure?
Thursday evening until Monday morning

3) Means of transportation?
Flying in in style baby!

4) Are you sharing a room with someone?
psychofoxx psychofoxx gdzeek gdzeek belledraco belledraco

5) How old are you?

6) How Tall are you?

7) Gender?
Male yo.

8) Are you an Artist?
I write on occasion.

9) Do you have an artist table?

10) Do you take commissions?
Not at con.

11) Do you do trades?
Occasionally! But again, not at con.

12) Are you a Fursuiter?
Hell naw

13) Attending parties?
I am the party!

14) Do you drink?
I plan to be fucked up at BLFC, yeah.

15) May I buy you a drink?
I wouldn't likely refuse~

16) Are you attending any panels?
I might! I won't look at the schedule until I get there.

17) Rules of engagement (physical contact)?
Handshakes unless otherwise noted.

18) How can I find you?
Look for the really handsome man in flannel.
Naw, but for reals, best way to get in touch with me is via Twitter or Telegram. My handle for both is @holodrom. And I don't go anywhere without my phone, so I'll probably get back to you pretty quick if I'm not busy.

19) May I talk to you?
Sure sure. Just don't be a creep.

20) May I hug or snuggle with you?
I'll let you know.

21) May I come to dinner with you?
If I invite you. But you have to eat it all.

22) May I hang out with you?
Suuurre sure, you can come along. If you're not welcome I'll let you know.

23) May I take your picture?
I don't tend to mind it as long as we're in the public areas. But if you ask, I'll be sure to smile pretty~

24) How do I know if you're not looking to socialize (angry, busy or upset)?
You won't be able to find me, haha.

BLFC 2015


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