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Update: Are You Looking At This? :) by Silvermane

Hello all, Silvermane here.

What's up? Well I am working my butt off on house work, home improvements, and if time allows I work on art. I've also been dealing with some personal stuff depression and loneliness, so I filled the void with drawing. It's how I cope. Most of the stuff I've been posting is all back logged some more current stuff will be forth coming.

COMMISSIONS: I am not sure at this time if I want to do them to be honest. I feel that my skills at the moment aren't good enough but if there IS interest in doing them I will. If you have an idea of what you would like I can see about it. Pricing, that too is something I am going to have to mull over as I think my prices in the past reflect the time I spend on current art (stuff I haven't posted yet). Those pieces take anywhere from 3 to 8 hours and so getting $20 well that means I am getting $2.50 an hour and that's just the coloring. 0.0 Still better than a Chinese child laborer hee hee

TRADES: Not sure. Really it depends on what you are trading for? Am I getting a puppy out of it or just the empty left over pizza box from two nights ago? Ask and we'll see.

REQUESTS: Again depends on what you want. If you want a full colored were lemur then I am afraid that will cost you money (see COMMISSIONS above). If all you want is a pencil sketch and it involves something interesting (hint werewolves, bear, minotaurs MAY get priority here) I am open to suggestions. Just don't get butt hurt if I say no. It is my time you are taking up doing stuff like this. Remember that please.

Also feel free to comment in general. On anytthing you like. I don't tend to rp that much so if your comment consists of those elements I often just don't know how to respond. There are some characters I draw that would be interesting to rp with but not sure if people would be ready for them. :) Anyway hope you are all well.


Update: Are You Looking At This? :)


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    I hope the warmer weather will help you get outdoors. Fresh air and sunlight can do a lot to help lift one out of a funk. I've been trying to pull myself out of funk for a while now. I've been reflecting on my life and trying to decide what changes can be made to bring some lasting results. I hope you too find the answers you are looking for. Hugs

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      I hope so we'll see at least. I don't know it's a lot more than weather related though that doesn't help. Biggest things are questions which have no real answers. We'll see how it all turns out. hugs back Best of luck finding out what you can and what changes you need to make. Hope the results help you out.

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    I can say that from personal experience that focusing on drawing and gaming didn't really help me with depression. In the end it's a coping mechanism but it doesn't fix the actual problem. If your job has health insurance that pays for a psychologist then definitely use it. Everyone kept telling me that but I didn't follow the advice and it lead to a really dark place. One other thing that will help is exercise, moderating your diet, and regular sleep schedules.

    I am living in central Maine and I could come down for a visit on occasion if you'd like someone to talk with and maybe go out and do stuff.

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      I find the opposite is true working on stuff and doing things outside brightens my mood and gets me off the repeated cycle of self reflection. Down time !sans thinking and thinking means depressing thoughts so any distraction from that is good. I do see a therapist but it would be nice to talk to others beyond just a professional stance. Sure if you want to visit and whatnot I wouldn't say no.

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