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My Deviantart Story by PandaPixels

So I was known as Esprit-Timide on deviantart for 4 years. My very first account on deviantart was 8 years ago, 13lackCherryBlossoms. If you’d like to see my middle school drawings and how much I’ve improved, check it out! I deactivated my Esprit-Timide account almost 2 weeks ago I believe…I, along with some others and ranters, would track down art thieves on alt accounts. I started looking for art thieves after I was informed of my own art being stolen. I was so upset that I didn’t post or even draw anything for about 3 months.

Well, someone found out my main account and these thieves would note me and harass me and my art. Things I worked weeks and months on. Where they would steal someone’s hard work and claim it as theirs within 5 minutes. Sooo mass harassment and false mass reporting was inflicted onto me. They reported me for harassment, mass reporting, and sending death threats. None of which I did, but they did to me. So I decided to deactivate. My main focus is here, tumblr, and toyhouse.

How ever…my crush (hopefully she doesn’t see this .-.) doesn’t get on her email very often but gets on deviantart quite often. And it was really hard to keep in touch with her. So a couple days ago I agreed to join dA again. I don’t want to support deviantart in any way because the admins don’t care about how people are treated nor do they care about art theft. But if I can talk to her, I’ll do it. So I made a new, low key account, ZhengjiuYishu. I won’t hardly post art on that account. I’m doing a 30 Day OC Challenge and I’ll be posting that on dA. Also, I’ll be submitting requests and commissions. Other than that it’s used for talking to friends.


My Deviantart Story


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