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Update by DiscordMelody

Hey everyone. I just wanted to give and update to you all.

Well... I have some unfortunate news... I lost my job last week. Yeah, after working there for nearly 2 months, they decided to let me go.(I won’t go into details of WHY they let me go) And I need to find a job before THIS FRIDAY or I have to find another place to stay... Pretty much, if I don’t find a job soon, I might be homeless. o-o Yeah. I’m dead serious. So I’m trying to find a job, work on commissions and play Second Life at the same time. She doesn’t give me alot of time. And te thing is... we’re gonna be moving away the general area in late May. So wtf is the point of me finding a job in the general area if we’re moving soon?! It’s stupid. All she wants from me is money. Half of my paycheck so she can do whatever. I don’t even know if she’s putting it towards bills. Or maybe gas idk. She even asked me about my money TODAY. I’m thinking “Man, I really don’t have much because you still OWE me money from last week from when you had to take $310 from me because you were behind on the electric bill!” Now I don’t mind helping paying the bills, but she just sucks up nearly all of my paycheck, nearly leaving me with nothing and idk what’s she’s really doing with it! She’s such a liar most of the time! I’m trying to get out of here, I just don’t have the money. I’m like seriously in a fucking pinch. If I go back with my dad, I will not have fucking freedom and won’t have my own space. I’m seriously gonna be homeless. It’s really hopeless unless my aunt gives me more time to find a job. If not... I’m gonna be gone for a LONG time. I’m trying to avoid that. It’s hard trying to find a decent job. I want to go to college and do what I love. But My aunt is putting me in a difficult position. I can’t do shit. It’s... sighs. I’m so sorry for being inactive, but RL is being an ass to me. Like SERIOUSLY. It’s not fun. Hopefully, I can depend on someone to have my back... I need the dire help. I’ll try to be on as long as I can. I really love you guys. You stuck behind me for so long, even when I’m inactive. You guys mean so much to me. <3 Thank you so much for the mental and emotional support.




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  • Link

    I dont know why,but it looks like Russian economy,food is increases in the price,but salary is decreases in price.(Thanks google translate)

  • Link

    I hope you find a good job soon. I think it's really stupid that your aunt is putting you in this position. Good luck.

  • Link

    So basically: Pay up, or get chucked onto the streets? Wow, your Aunt's the best woman ever............