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Someone PLEASE Help Me by lizardprotector

This is going to sound whiny. I know saying that will probably turn some people away, but I can't help being honest.

I want ragdolls of Skyrim Argonians wearing modern (most likely Half-Life 2) and futuristic (look up "Sci-Fi Citizens" in the Steam workshop) outfits for Garry's Mod 13. I need them for a story idea I have that would be in comic form. I have searched exhaustively. The few leads I was able to struggle out of the mass of useless and irrelevant information google threw up on me didn't pan out. Either the addon was for a past version of GMod, and won't work in 13, or there is no addon, and whoever managed to create the models is unwilling to make one for GMod. I've tried to learn how to make my own ragdolls, and I just don't have the brain for it. YES, I actually tried. The instructions, when they're not fragmented, may as well be in swahili. I've tried to use a 3D modeling program. I couldn't get it to do anything I wanted it to do. I am asking, I am BEGGING, for someone to create the models/ragdolls/addon I've described above. I'll pay. I'll save up so I can pay a lot. But please, someone, ANYONE, help me. It's when people ignore and, by ignoring, refuse to help that I become the most depressed. I don't know how much more I can stand.

Someone PLEASE Help Me


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