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Joined Flight Rising + Other updates by ZeeMonster

So I barley managed to joined Flight Rising while they had registration open yesterday! YAY!

Anyone have an account and want to be Friends? I'm still learning the ins and outs. I'm ZeeMonster on there. :)

Sorry I've been so inactive lately. I'm hoping to change that soon, but I've just been so exhausted lately! I thought I would have more free time after my daughter started school, buuuuuuutttt, as it turns out I'm pregnant again! So I've got that first trimester exhaustion setting in. I pretty much sleep while my daughter has her half day at school. LOL. But I'll be moving out of the first trimester soon, and hopefully with that will have more energy for art!!!!! crossing fingers

Joined Flight Rising + Other updates


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    I'm larkspurdragon on there :3 I might have a few extra beauties if you want some freebies.

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      That would be amazing! I only have two right now. haha! Like I said, still figuring it all out. There's a lot to get. @__@

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        If you have questions, feel free to ask--I've been on for some time.

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          Thanks. Seems like a lot of it is just a matter of playing around enough to get the hang of things. But if there's anything you wish you had known when you first started, then I'd love to know that. If that makes sense.

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            The one thing I wish I had known--if you find an unhatched dragon egg while foraging, it's usually not worth it to hatch it. You will only get a random starter dragon with all basic genes, and people will pay a pretty penny for unhatched eggs in the auction house.

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          And thank you SO MUCH for the dragons!!!! o3o SSSSOOOO PRETTY!!!!!

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            You're quite welcome! They should make some pretty babies if paired.