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FWA BOUND!!! by LazyDez

Where are you staying? - Main Hotel, Marriot
What day are you getting there? Friday morning
Who will you be rooming with? AlexxPsy and xDamonWolfx
Who will you hang out with during the convention? AlexxPsy, EnjoiPandas and whoever!
Are there any panels you might be attending? Whatever catches my eye, I'll be competing in the nonsuit dance contest though.
Will you be suiting? Nah
How old are you? 24
How tall are you? 6'
Are you taken? Are you looking for a mate? Not looking but open.
Can I talk to you? Of course! I'm blunt, carefree and supposedly easy to talk to.
Can I touch you? Can't touch hammer dance hahha jk, touch away just no rapey.
How can I find you? You can note me before FWA or feel free to ask for my number!
Can I visit your room? Not my call, up to my room mates so please just respect them.
Can I buy you drinks? HELL YEAH!!
Can I give you stuff? Sure so long as it doesn't hurt me or something haha.
Can I hug or snuggle with you? Sure I don't mind hugs! For more, just ask i guess.
Are you nice? Uh, kinda? I'm blunt, carefree but speak very freely and openly and honestly.
How long are you going? Friday through Sunday, leave at 9am sunday.
If I see you, how should I get your attention? Wave or something, if you're shy but want me to talk to you then make a come here motion and i'll say hi!
Where will you be most of the time during the days? Everywhere, I may wander off to skate ATL a bit though.
What/where will you be eating? Not sure haha
Can I come with you for food/fun etc? Sure thing
Can I take your picture? Oh of course! I'll even do cool dance freezes with you! Just tag/note me so i can see em later!
What’s your goal for the con this year? Dance in the nonsuit contest, Have fun and adventure around, meet with alot of people and just wil' out!




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