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Totally need to learn to draw by Startide

And maybe get a cheap tablet too.

I've been doodling some beginner quality macro micro stuff with pen on a notebook I've had lying around. Really wanna get better since a few of these drawings have some promising quality. If you want to see, check the Photos section of my twitter startide , as I'm not yet going to upload them here since people would probably berate me XD

I'm considering trying out an art tablet too. Never used one, are there any reccomended cheap starter ones there for me to get the hang of tablets, or are they all pretty much expensive? And what free art program is best? I've heard lots of artists use SAI, and I know of Gimp too.

Totally going into this blind with zero actual art training. Wheeee XD

(Edit, I maaay post a few of my drawings here since I have far less followers than on FA so I won't be yelled at too much XD)

Totally need to learn to draw


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    I went in with no art training at all and got through, I'd be happy to help yah out mister! I like Huion tablets, they're cheap and work better IMO than my wacoms ever did! As far as drawing soft ware I started with Sketchbook Pro. I believe you can get photoshop 2 for free. I've seen a lot of awesome pics drawn with gimp and paint tool Sai. For me however I've done better with photoshop or mangastudio.

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      That's promising to hear! :3

      I just snagged a wacom intuos for pretty cheap on Amazon, I'll give it a test drive anyway.

      Do all those programs offer similar functionality like layers and other commonly used tools?

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        Awesome that was my first tablet <3 its a bit touchy but really good!
        Yes they all offer the ability to use layers. One day if you wanna hop on my livestream I'd be happy to show yah stuff, also if you have any questions art wise feel free to send me a note :3

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    'best program' is a broad statement, it mostly boils down to what you personally find more handy to use and draw with. :3
    I myself am using GIMP, coming from photoshop the program has all the stuff I need and best of all: It's free. =P
    However I do miss the ability to costumize the Pen tool's behaviour to properly emulate brush pressure (thick to thin lines in curves) but eh, it works I guess. ^^

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      Gimp doesn't vary line thickness with pressure?

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        Oh yes it does that well if you use a tablet (and set the correct settings in Gimp), I'm just saying that if you use the "Pen Tool" to draw vector lines with the mouse (like I do with my drawings) it doesn't really emulate line thickness like Photoshop can. (eg. making tighter curves in the vectors more thicker and straights smaller). It's only a tiny little thing that bothers me but for the rest it works fine.

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          Oh, I see what you mean. Basically doing ms-paint style shapes with a mouse, PS will make them look more natural?

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            Yes, since photoshop (and illustrator as well) have programming that can 'imitate' pressure sensitivity and the likes. You can even open the pen tool settings in those programs and manually set how you want the lines to operate (look) at various conditions and bendings, even make them fade out at a certain (or variable) lenght. You can even attach a brush pattern to it so that it's almost indistinguishable from drawing lines on an actual tablet or canvas even.

            Gimp on the other hand 'can' have patterned lines and you can even tell the pen tool to use the 'brush' (and any other tool) to draw along the path, but it doesn't imitate pressure/curve sensitivity. I guess I 'could' create or use a brush that'll make them 'somewhat' look like brush strokes, but photoshop's generated 'brush-strokes' look way more natural.

            On the other hand I guess it's expected from a 'free photoshop alternative' not to be so extensive and besides, not many people work with the pen tool like I do. :3