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Back from Motor City! by arikla

Still a fun con despite not being FCN. For this one, the hotel really helps make the con. The hotel staff are always really friendly, accommodating and just plain fun. They aren't looking at all of us weird! When I checked out, I made sure to tell the front desk how much I appreciate that. The person a the desk, who I unfortunately forgot the name of in my shock at her statement, said "We love you guys! It is so nice to have a weekend when we don't get yelled at. (emphasis mine). How sad it is that? A big group of 18-30 year olds (and up, but on average) who are semi-drunk some of the time at least are actually nicer and more polite to the staff than most weekend travelers and business people. Says a lot about some of the "responsible adults" of the world. Says more about furries, though :)

Anyway, it was a good weekend. I didn't have a lot of sales, but did make some badges and have a beaded badge to work on. Found out if I had asked I probably could have sold some pre-made things despite what the website said (but never got a response to my question about the DD wait list or AA rules anyway, so never felt it worth my time to send another).

Discovered people are generally suspicious of free candy for some reason. I had a bowl out on Saturday that said "It's my Birthday, Have some Candy! Free!" and wound up 1) answering the question "Is it really your Birthday?" a lot. and 2) taking most of it to Con Ops where I'm sure it didn't not last long :) Guess "Don't take Candu from strangers" is fairly well ingrained.

Really the only bad part of the whole weekend was the Charity auction. I left the Artist Ally early because I had submitted a piece for the auction (this one: ) and was curious how it would go. I have donated things before, but never been able to watch the auction. Please people, let it be known, if you are running a Charity auction NEVER EVER talk down ANYTHING up for bid. I don't care if someone donates a bag of poop. It should be talked up as the best bag of poop ever because you are making money for a CHARITY! I was really embarrassed to be sitting there as Kage called it "half a piece" and said "maybe the artist will draw the other half if you win". Because of him essentially mocking it it went for the lowest amount of ANYTHING in the auction. I was crushed. I wasn't expecting it to go for really high amounts or anything, but definitely more than it did. Thankfully, I received an email shortly after from the winner of the piece who was very happy to get it and will give it a good home. But... arg! I'm honestly not even sure how to bring it up to Kage since it kinda sounds like sour grapes since it was my own art and it's Kage and I am in no way popular so doubt he would actually care. I'll let it go, but may effect what I donate in the future. Likely stick to prints from here on out.

To end on a high note... Benihana has something called the "Haiku Colada" it is delicious and I should have one every day.

Back from Motor City!


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