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Animazement 2015 by Lautrec

I will be going to Animazement in Raleigh, NC this year!

I had just barely enough for the badge cost and will be staying in a hotel with a friend, her husband, and her son. For food costs, I'll be bringing a LOT of stuff from home and will make sure I've got a water bottle at all times. Dehydration is not fun. :L

For my cosplay, I'll be reviving my old S.T.A.R.S. Wesker from Anime Expo 2011 and 2012. All I need to do is purchase new pants, gloves, and possibly new sunglasses. Other than that, I've got a lot of good trinkets I can add to the costume, however I'm probably going to go without an ear piece. I have never had anything decent for one, but we'll see!

If anyone is going this year, feel free to poke me and say hello! If you want a hug, please ask so that I can make sure I've got nothing fragile in my tactical vest. Last time I was bear hugged, my spare set of glasses were nearly crushed.

I wish I had my fursuit partials with me. Sadly, they're still in CA and shipping them isn't an option as neither myself, nor my Dad can afford to do so anytime soon. Maybe someday! I'd love to wear a partial with my turnout gear, but I don't think my Chief would be happy about that. lol

Animazement 2015


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