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[2015/03/24] Hey Everyone! by GrayscaleRain

Been a while! I know I’ve been out of it for the last couple of weeks and I haven’t really been talking much, so I figured I’d let you all know what’s going on.

See, though you probably already know by now, I had gotten dental surgery done last Tuesday to remove several broken/infected teeth in my mouth and I’ve spent the last week or so healing up and generally recovering, so I haven’t been around much, and what I have been has been kind of spotty. Luckily the anti-inflammatory meds finished yesterday and today’s my last day for antibiotics, as most of the stitches and such have closed up and fallen out by now, so I’m glad to be done with those! I’m going to have to watch my nutrition and such for the foreseeable future, but in the long run it’s a minor trade off for not being in constant low level pain 24/7!

Not to say I haven’t been active, as I have been trying to do/post things, but I haven’t been able to stream and I haven’t touched my commission stuff since the week before so I need to organize myself this week so that I can get back on track and know who and what I owe!

I’ll post more about those later, just to make sure that I’ve got everyone’s info and I’ve sent everyone’s invoices out and responded to all the people I need to respond to!

If I haven’t, and you think I’ve forgotten or that I lost the info somewhere, feel free to poke me! I don’t mind! (Just don’t poke too hard! n.n; )

Seriously though, just drop me a line and let you know what’s going on.

I’ve got a lot of folks to get back to, so I’ll be trying to get that all together in the next couple of days and maybe start doing streams again! Won’t that be fun? n.n

Anyway, thanks for listening! Take care, everyone!


[2015/03/24] Hey Everyone!


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