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FurAffinity Crawler - Source and Binary instructions by blueotter

Here's a handy little tool to crawl FurAffinity and download all the gallery and scrap images for artists you like. Who knows what IMVU will bring, or how many will bolt. Be sure to grab whatever you want to save, without the tedious right-click-save-as routine.

You can find the source and view it yourself on -- you definitely should be able to audit something you type your password into, so there's all the source. For those of you who don't care to read source and just want the tool, you can find this here: -- that zip file contains an EXE and DLL that just need to be unzipped somewhere. If you run the DrainAffinity.exe without any arguments, it will tell you want it needs. Example usage would be:

DrainAffinity -u MyFurAffinityUsername -p MySecretPa$$w0rd -t bravo,balaa

Which would log you in and start downloading the images for Bravo and Balaa. You can open an issue on GitHub if it gives you any heartburn.. or, you can submit a pull request! The tool doesn't move as fast as possible - it has a time delay so as not to hammer the site. There's a switch to disable that, but don't do that. Also, know this tool is in no way endorsed by FurAffinity and its use may not be in compliance with their TOS/AUP, so use at your own risk.

FurAffinity Crawler - Source and Binary instructions


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    Hmm. It just sits there and doesn't do anything after downloading a raw-HTML of the user's frontpage. No images.