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About me (Hi!) by akitary

Some basic information about me.
(You probably know all this if you followed me from FA, you can move on, Citizen)

I just quickly wrote this so people who care can read it.

Who are you
Artist, derp dragon, passionate cola consumer, INTJ. I live in the East Europe, my cat is called Czicza and I'm too old to admit my age.

Cats or dogs?
Meow. (I like dogs too but I wouldn't keep one)

Pepsi or Coca?

Favorite things?
Pizza, cats, teal color, cola.

video games: Skyrim, Minecraft

movies: Hotel Transylvania, LOTR, Big Hero 6, Star Wars, Star Trek (I don't care I love both), Legend (yes the old one), Pirates of the Caribbean

music: epic (Thomas Bergersen, Sawano Hiroyuki), metal (Epica, Powerwolf), rock (A perfect Circe, Three Days Grace), Folk (Loreena McKennit), random (Kokia, Zircon, EnigmaTNG, Kradness)

anime: SAO, SNK, Fairy Tail, Tokyo Ghoul, Death Note, Soul Eater, Miyazaki's works

Most hated things
Most food lol. I'm so picky :') Especially pickles and spinach and most green stuff. Even though I'm a semi-vegetarian (I eat meat very rarely, and I don't despise it, but I prefer not to).

Here's whats most people always asks first: what's that intersex nonsense?!
Yes I'm intersex, as in a hermaphrodite, biologically, not psychologically. We exist, and we aren't even that rare, get over it.
While I look and sound more female-ish, I identify as male, please use 'he' or 'them' pronoun, thank you.

How did you learn to paint
By myself; I'm self-taught. I got a lot of help from Sycra Yasum, Jackrow and Bluefley though, which I appreciate a lot. I started painting as a hobby/stress relief in 2007, and just started doing it on a daily basis with focused practicing in December 2012.

Where else to reach you?
You can find all my contact info on the top of my profile page. They change from time to time, so it's safer not to paste them here. I'm generally Akitary everywhere though.
**However akitary(at) is NOT ME, do not send e-mails there, someone else will receive them! **
Or if we are at that, I do not share my commissions e-mail anywhere publicly. Unless I sent my address to you, please assume it's fake/wrong.

My wish-list
I wanna go to a con! Any fur con. Never been to any >.<
A new laptop that doesn't freeze on me, and let's me stream would be nice.
Get to be a popufur... haha...hahahaha.... :') not happening <3

Anything else?
I love doing collabs, so if you are interested in doing one, please note me up! (I might reject some during this spring since I'm on a spring-commission-cleaning schedule right now)

Thank you for reading!

I'm generally a very open person: feel free to ask for my Skype in a note. Unless you seem to be an obvious creep I'll send it. <3

About me (Hi!)


Journal Information



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    You love pizza. And cats.

    You are awesome.

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      who doesn't love pizza and cats?!?! x3

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        Facist Nazi Communists who want to steal your babies, that's who. >:U

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          OH NO! MY BABUS! D:

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        ^ Eats all my food and hijacks my cat. Evil! :(

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          I don't eat all of your food, who needs your savoy cabbages : < I only eat the rest!

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    köszi :3

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    I always wondered where the creativity comes from. I guess we all start at the same level, thought no matter how much I try, I can't really picture what I want to draw xP

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      It comes from many hours and hours of painting put into it :)

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        You are right, I been improving as I continue drawing. I'm sorry for the late response xD