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Of Returns and Sidegrades by Rin Fei Elyran

It saddens me to say that I have officially abandoned FurAffinity, not because of IMVU's acquiring of FA, but rather because I feel like my remixes would be in jeopardy because of the acquisition (possible "copyright infringement"). Plus, I didn't want to chance seeing IMVU making money off of my rightful property, even if they say they would never do such a thing; something tells me deep inside that they may go back on that policy. With all that aside, I will be working the next few weeks at rebuilding my portfolio here on Weasyl. It's good to be back, nevertheless.

On a more positive subject matter...
You may or may not be aware of this, but in September 2013 I had bought a Lenovo G500s notebook computer as an upgrade from my dying Core 2 Duo MacBook from Late 2007. Since then, I've seen a major sidegrade in technology: a Mid-2010 Apple iMac with a 64-bit Intel Core i7 CPU, 4 GB of RAM, a terabyte in storage space, and running Mac OS X 10.10 Yosemite. This iMac that I had acquired in February gets the privilege of being the first computer I've ever owned with an LED display. It's also the biggest computer I've ever owned; it's 27 inches diagonal with a resolution of up to 2,560 by 1,440 pixels, making my other computers seem puny. XD

Up until 2015, I've owned either CRT monitors or cold-cathode backlit LCD panels, so I'm sure you can see why the iMac is so special to me.

When I bought my Lenovo, I honestly didn't think I'd ever own another Intel Mac since the death of my MacBook (which was originally my brother's computer in Guatemala), and of course, the $1,000+ price tag is what discouraged me from purchasing a brand-new Mac, which is why I turned to the $600 Lenovo laptop in September 2013.

Flash forward to February 2015, my sister stops at my place on her way to Columbus, with her 3-year-old daughter and my brother-in-law's Mid-2010 iMac in tow. The iMac previously enjoyed life as a photo editing workstation at my brother-in-law's photography studio in Cleveland, and after upgrading to a faster computer, he no longer needed the iMac and offered to let me have it for free - an offer I couldn't and obviously didn't refuse. I knew I had to recycle my old RCA TV and my IBM P70-386 to make room, because at 27 inches diagonal, the iMac is HUGE! It would have been otherwise impossible to fit all three machines together, plus my stereo, on the same shelf unit, which could only handle up to 150 lbs total. Not even I could sit on the shelf unit without it caving in. XD

In conclusion, I would have to say that the 27" iMac which sits proudly on my desk, is the best Mac I've owned thus far, my iBook G3 "clamshell" being the second best. I honestly couldn't have asked for a better Intel Macintosh.

Of Returns and Sidegrades

Rin Fei Elyran

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