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To All Artists! by Byere

I shall be starting to upload my extensive collection of art that I've purchased or won in my time as a furry. If I happen to upload any pieces that you have uploaded and can send me as a collection piece, please let me know and I will remove my submission in place of that.

Many thanks

To All Artists!


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    I can upload the one I made for you if you want^^

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      I don't mind. If the artists would prefer to upload them themselves, that's cool by me... otherwise I'll upload them

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        I'll upload it now for you^^ Sorry it took me so long to respond things have been busy and weasyl is below FA in importance =P

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    The collection feature is a nice idea, but proved to be a total crap in execution. You can't put your own description, don't get notified of comments on collected pieces, can't sort the collections to folders, and the piece goes poof if the artist removes the piece for some reason -- not when last link is removed.

    All of the above was reported and suggestions made as far back as October.

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      Hmmm, good point... Even so, I won't step on toes... and any pieces of strictly my characters I'm going to keep uploaded unless the artist demands otherwise (and I piss off so few people that there's only been one person who's asked me to take down pictures he'd done for me... and he was weird anyway)