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Journal of stuff by AlejandroDelFuego

Alright, so more life stuff and whatever.

So, I am home for the week, as I said last time. It's only been a couple days and I just can barely stand it. I don't think I can wait for the end of the break.

So, my mom's work isn't employing me, full time. I think they found someone with more experience and certification than I to fill the position. So I'm not making money this week.

Speaking of my mom... Had a talk with her again. She's now convinced Satan is playing with my mind about my sexuality, and wants me to transfer to a catholic university in Ohio and switch my major to becoming a priest. She also believes sexuality is either a choice or the result of trauma, and wants me to get in contact with a priest who can either help me settle and become straight or "work through whatever trauma I won't tell her about" to become straight.

Also, don't hate her. She's a really nice woman. She's been helpful in pretty much every other aspect of my life, and is just trying to help me in this one the way she has been brought up to believe. Honestly, I never expected to accept my sexuality. I do wish she would understand things.

So, some of you know about the horse. To put it short for new followers, stepdad got a horse, when there's little money to be bad anyway. It's finally going. Going to an owner who actually knows how to properly feed and raise a horse. So, good for it.

My sister's dog is pregnant again. Anyone interested in a lab shar pei hybrid puppy and live in New England, keep me in mind.

To those of you I owe art to, I apologize. I'm working on getting stuff done. Hopefully I can make progress today, but I don't wanna promise I'll have anything done today. Should be caught up by the end of the week, hopefully.

Come April, I'm gonna focus heavily on my coloring book idea. I wanna get that thing up and running, commit to it, hopefully get it published and make some $$ off of it while educating little kids on other countries.

Well, that's all for now I guess. I'll talk to you all later.

P.S.: can someone point me to the cheapest apartments available in Eastern Massachusetts or Rhode Island?

Journal of stuff


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