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Ursa Major Awards Voting Is Now Open! by Dipper

And The Beach Bears have been officially nominated! Thank you all!

Now comes the hard part: We are up against My Little Pony.

MLP:FIM got 321 first place votes, more than any other nominee in any other category last year. It got 428 total votes, second only to Frozen which was in a different category. It got a total score of 1130, far away the highest score of any nominee in any category.

The battle will be tough. But not impossible.

I will need as many first place votes as I can get. If everyone who is my watcher votes for The Beach Bears, that would be over 841 votes. I don't expect that.

If even half of my watchers votes for The Beach Bears, that would be over 420 votes, That would almost be enough to win, and will be if they are all first place votes. That's possible, but I'm not sure.

If a third of my watchers vote for The Beach Bears, that would be over 282. That MIGHT be enough, provided the votes for My Little Pony go down.

In any case, I need every single vote I can muster to win.

So, please, if you like what I do, and want to show me in a way that will cost you nothing, go to and go to the 2014 voting page and vote for The Beach Bears as your number 1 choice in Best Dramatic Short Work Or Series.

Voting is open until the 15th of April, so please don't wait.

Ursa Major Awards Voting Is Now Open!


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