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patreon alternatives? by Syaokitty

Guys, im going to be frank, I don't make a lot of money, and i do not have a job. I am CONSTANTLY looking (promise) but while i do i depend on well your support to get by, and i barely make it (sometimes friends help out when i don't) each month, I'd like to try a service like patreon but i'm hearing a lot of things like they don't allow porn, etc. (and even if they did i'd have to be careful because my style can get mistaken for cub, thats half the reason i'm on Inkbunny)

And i know some people don't like the service in general, i'd first like to find a site that caters better to me and who i follow, so any help or ideas would be great!

If anyone has questions on how i'd do a patreon i'd be glad to take suggestions or what you think is a good/bad idea. if i do end up doing one here's how i might go about it.

  • No Exclusive Content, just Earlier content

  • Some kind of raffle for free art/discounts?

  • A suggestion box (this would def be for all patrons)

  • Content would be weekly at the least

  • Maybe some kind of sketchbook type thing?

  • Exclusive stream time (i stream your drawing for you and people of your choice only or something?)

  • Deals on packs,comics,etc.

IF i were to do it i'd make it very affordable for sure (i understand not having money to spend on things like this, there are tons of people i'd love to support but can't :c )


patreon alternatives?


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  • Link

    Patreon's porn ban applies only to photographic and cinematographic pornography. Erotic artwork and poetry is fine.

    • Link

      oh thats good to know! i was having trouble finding info on that, any that was helpful thank you!

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        Yeah, they've had no problems, for example, with my poetry.