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PSA: Comparing OCs to Cannon characters... by SaaraBlitz

Okay, I know some people have heard artists' rants about this before, but I do need to add to it as it is also a pet peeve of mine...

I know most people's intentions are good/okay when comparing someone's OC to an existing cannon character... but please understand... It's NOT a compliment. It's down right hurtful, and makes people extremely uncomfortable.
Now please hear me out, I'm not trying to completely bash people who say stuff like this on art work of OC's.
I'm just trying to say be careful. A person's OC is often times EXTREMELY personal and important to them.
Even if you're not meaning it as a 'compliment' per say, but just trying to make conversation, it's very very awkward.

There is also the part where an artist/non-artist owner of an OC sweats nervously. Even as a freelance artist (myself) who is EXTREMELY anti-art theft, I have to say people in the art community are sometimes WAY too quick to point fingers and shout 'THIEF!!!". Just because an OC has similarities doesn't mean it's stolen. You can't really copyright skin color, or certain hair styles, or even personality. It makes people extremely uncomfortable when you compare their character to another character. And yes I DO realize it's true that some people copy characters, but I am talking about genuine, personal OC's that people have put a lot of effort, time, soul, and craft into making as original as possible. Comparing that OC to another existing character kinda pushes people into a corner. If you are too quick to shout 'THIEF' and WRONGFULLY abuse that term, you could seriously jeopardize a person's livelyhood. DON'T DO IT.

My personal response to comments like this is to just ignore them personally. I don't want to be snappy and rude to my watchers as I love them dearly, and I realize some people don't know any better. But I won't encourage them by feeding those comments with conversation or response either (please don't take offense to that, it's just my way of moving on instead of being rude and hurtful to someone). Again I'm not trying to sound mean at all, I'm trying to sound as civil as possible. I know some people don't realize these comments are hurtful/disturbing. But please just be mindful of the impact that simple comment can have on a person, especially a person who is also making their own art of their OCs.

I apologize if I didn't explain this clearly/nicely I was trying to word it as civilly as possible!

PSA: Comparing OCs to Cannon characters...


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