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Honestly... by Adr250

I really don't know what to do anymore. I really don't. i see his messages ever day. i see his twitter growing more with life almost everyday. I keep telling myself that i shouldnt be such a creeper and spy on him but i just can help it. He......i dunno. Hes leaving stuff for me though i can never build up enough confidence to say anything or showing anything as a response.... but i think they are making things worse for me. Its hard enough trying to isolate myself away but im just failing miserably. i really dont know what to do anymore... i just dont. I can barely talk to anyone as it is... so far its just one person i can talk to normally though he knows im hurting but i try very hard not to show it.
Some of you may offer to try to talk to me and try to comfort me but i can tell you right now that its not going to happen... it just cant no matter how much i would ever want to. im mentally stuck right now i guess.



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    Take your time, Adrian.

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    As DanteLUPINE said, take your time. You're not the first person in the world to feel broken inside over a relationship. It will get better, even if it may take a while.

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    try your best to be calm and ignore those things.. I hope life's goes better for you.