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R.I.P. Leonard Nimoy by rbartrop

Another part of my childhood has gone.

You're probably going to be seeing lots of these over the next few hours, but Leonard Nimoy passed away today at the age of 83. An actor and director who has done many things over the years, but none have touched so many people as his role as Spock in Star Trek. Perhaps it was a case of a relatively unknown character actor being in the right time, and the character of Spock owed at least as much to the creative team behind the camera as the one man standing in front of it All the same, he was one of the most visible parts of the team of creators who gave up something that told us we could all be a little better, and even manage to inspire a few to greatness.

I've always been a rationalist, and maybe some of that comes from Spock. Obviously, you can't take it to that extreme, but taking the time to stop and think is a good thing, especially in an age when so many seem to regard the use of your rational faculties as an act of disloyalty.

This was his final tweet, and I think there is some wisdom here:

A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP

He will be missed.

R.I.P. Leonard Nimoy


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