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Sooooo, I am Diagnosed as Autistic o-o by Vexionous

But not just any normal Autism, Asperger's Syndrome..

When I was diagnosed I was like "That explains a lot..." and my mom's like "I was righhhttttt"

See, ever since I was a kid, I was already showing signs of it and my mom was worried so she tried following a guide on helping out a kid with Autism/Asperger's Syndrome, which, I got to say, went pretty damn well, but I still show an obvious amount of symptoms in RL

But anyways, don't baby me or anything, I'm still the same person, nothing really different, only now I know that I have a type of Autism..Seriously, I'm fine. x3

Sooooo, I am Diagnosed as Autistic o-o


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  • Link

    well that explains... wait.. I don't know much about you o_o.. could it be this won't affect anything of what I've seen so far!? that's pretty major!

    all kidding aside, I'm glad to see you dealing with the symptom pretty well, and accepting it. Though I don't feel like there is anything wrong with it. you are you, and that is that.

  • Link

    Whoo, join the club! offers highfive Besides, what's the fun in being normal?