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On Zelda, Recent Events and other cool things by Grimmhelm

Soo this month has been pretty Zelda heavy for me, First I received Link between worlds as a prize from my local GAME store (its the equivalent of gamestop but with better return prices) and I have played that to completion a few times, its kinda short but I love it to bits.
I also got my hands on Majoras mask 3ds version -I never really played the original N64 since the save system really got my dander up and I gave up before even entering the first temple.
But this time it's going well -slowly, but well and thats how i like my Zelda games, you can proberbly expect a bit of art up and about sometime soon based on the games XD I may even dig out skyward sword and actually finish the final dungeon there (I was moving back home at the time so had to pack everything away).

For the few of you who have commissions going I'm sorry for there delay, yesterday my PC decided to give up the ghost, upon inspection (and a minor fee of £130 mobfrontjackasses) my computer got fixed but i lost a lot of files, I still have most of my software except my streaming stuff but i can recover that easily but I lost all the files I was working on within Photoshop so there will be a delay until after the weekend.
For those of you who asked about commission I may have miss placed a few if you still want them you can note me.

Finally if you have not seen it i suggest you go and check out the little comic project that :iconheartgear: is doing, here are a few pages with my O.C Tess :

Go check out the whole thing! it is totally worth your time! :D

On Zelda, Recent Events and other cool things


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