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Patreon question by Poetigress

I've been on the fence about creating a Patreon for some months now, and I still haven't entirely decided whether to go through with it. I like the idea of giving readers a kind of ongoing tip jar to toss me a few bucks a month to help me create more of what they like, but I'm also wary of adding on more obligations and stress when I have a lot of projects to work on as it is, because of course I'd want to make sure people donating money were, you know, getting something for it on a regular basis. >^_^<

At any rate, just to get some more information to toss into the mix -- if I did start one, what kinds of rewards would you guys be interested in? Works in progress? (Though I think that's a lot easier for artists to share than writers.) Exclusive flash fiction or short stories? (It'd be fun to try a serial sometime, but that's not in the cards for this year, at least.) Critiques? Something else I'm not thinking of?

Patreon question


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    It is harder for writers! Early teasers, maybe? I think exclusives are limiting, but 'see it here X days before it goes on FA' appeals to me.

    Most of the creative types I support on Patreon, I'm not all that interested in the rewards, just in throwing a tip to an artist I admire who posts most of their work for free.

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      Yeah, I was considering something like a 3-month gap between Patreon and posting to FA, kind of the same way I do with reprints now. Everybody still gets it for free eventually, but supporters get it sooner. *shrug* \ We'll see, though. Right now I don't seem to be getting the kind of response I'd like to the idea, so I'm starting to lean away from it again...

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        I know it's not for me, at least not yet. But I do like supporting others.

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          Of course, what I'm finding now is, it sounds like the people who want to support me are happy to do so without needing much in the way of perks, and for the people who don't want to (or can't) support, perks aren't really going to change their minds. So... who knows. XD Maybe I'll get an account together and just throw up a few low pledge levels for now, and then at least it's in place for the day later on when I can do a serial or something more ambitious with it.

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            It can't do any harm to get it set up. You never know when something will happen to propel you into the spotlight...