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'Recalculating route' by Lurigo

It's already February!? Damn... Where'd all of January go!? Ah well...

Anyways, update time! It's been a while since I've done one. It's been so long, that I forgot how I normally lay them out, and had to look up an old one to find out.

General: Welp, my holidays met its end last week. Didn't do as much as I hoped to, but it wasn't a waste at least. Got to visit my friend a few times, which was nice since I never get time during the semester to go say hi or something. He's stuck at home all the time, which gets pretty frustrating.
Sorted stuff out with another friend of mine. While it didn't turn out the way I had hoped, I am at least glad I can have some peace of mind finally. It had been driving me mad for the last 6 months, sometimes becoming extremely debilitating. So yay, a bit of emotional freedom!

Studies: Started a week ago. So far, it's been pretty chilled. Mostly because only half my subjects had started. The rest start tomorrow. Then the real work begins. Rather positive about this year fortunately, having more time off and less crappy subjects. Soooo glad I'm done with Professional Practice. It had it's moments, but it was a pain in the ass most of the time. Same with Linear Systems. Still have math gnawing on my ass though... Yay...
The most exciting thing about this semester, is, guess what... I'M GONNA MAKE A GAME! Yes, I am /required/ to make my own game, from scratch. I'm honestly psyched up for this one. I've got so many ideas in my head. Especially in regards to the graphics, I want to make my own art for it, since I'm one of the few artistic engineers. xD They still need to announce the specifications though. I hope it's a side-scrolling shooter, or something interesting. Just not a tower-defense like they did last year... I'm not so enthusiastic about those kind of games. Either way, I'm really looking forward to making a game!

Art: Didn't draw as much as I had hoped, but I did manage to draw two pictures for my friends for their birthdays. Recently bought a new sketchbook that I can take with me to campus each day, since the one I used last year is pretty much full. Also found a neat little art supply store the other day, where I can get most supplies for a lot cheaper than other places around here.
Got quite a few ideas for new drawings. Also thinking of restarting the two commissions I have, since I don't like the poses and stuff they had. Also learned a few tricks in the mean time, so I'd rather start fresh with the new skills instead of trying to adapt them with what I managed with my older skills.

Electronics: Haven't progressed a lot on the ArduSynth yet. I transferred the DAC/amp circuit to a piece of stripboard, so I have my breadboard available for other projects again.
My awesome TI Chronos watch is on its way out, the strap is worn to the point of cracking. And the one side is already held together by duct tape. I can't exactly replace it, I mean, where else will I find another watch with a programmable microcontroller in it? And buying a new Chronos would cost me three times as much as compared to when I bought it 6 years ago. Besides, the 415MHz model has been discontinued. :/ So yeah, gotta look for a new watch that'll work well, but not cost me the arm it has to go on.
Got a broken phone from my aunt a few days ago. After messing around with it for an hour, I managed to get it working again. It took a complete reflash to do it though. First thing I did with it was load a GBA emulator onto it, and use it to play Pokémon. Woo hoo! I think I'm gonna use this as a "sidearm" phone, like I used to do when my Defy still worked. Stuff like emulation and USB tethering would be its main functions. My primary phone would still handle the rest.

Interesting story: Yesterday my dad and I fixed my car's window sprinkler system. First we took out the water tank, to which the pump was attached, since we suspected the pump was a possible issue. The only unusual thing we saw was the MASSIVE F@*$&$G SPIDER hiding behind it. My car has one less inhabitant now. Anyways, it turns out the nozzles, and one of the two pipes after they split, had some sort of cement-looking sediment clogging them up. Took a while to get whatever that stuff was out, but it was done. Now my car can wet itself again. No more smudged, dirty windshield!! Funny side note, the two nozzles each produce two streams of water, so it looks like I have two cobras in the airvents spitting at the window.

So yeah! That's it really! Looking forward to the new semester, and new month. Hope to get some more drawings done, and progress on projects. See ya all around!

'Recalculating route'


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