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Furnace Update + Cats by Rattlesire

So unfortunately, while we did receive a good chunk of donations for the furnace replacement, it is nowhere near what we need to replace the furnace. We're going on day 3 with no heat, stove/oven and hot water.

To remedy part of this issue, we'll be getting some small space heaters (roughly $20-40 a piece) in order to get the house warmed back up. Partially for us, but mostly for the cats, who've started nesting under every blanket we can find.

We're also going to need some wet cat food, something we don't normally have the ability to afford.

Back in 2011, Itty Bitty was attacked by a stray cat and it fractured her lower jaw. We got it healed and medicated for the most part, but ever since, she's had issues eating hard or large food pieces. With the heater being out, she's showing signs that her jaw is affecting how she eats. She's stopped eating the hard cat food and we've been feeding her turkey and chicken bits along with the soft cat treats we always buy for her.

If anyone wants to help out with that particular crisis, my commissions are open for that. One full body sketch would easily pay for at least a box of wet cat food for her to have through the month!

Thanks guys!

Furnace Update + Cats


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