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Thanks for your concern by ZeeMBT

I posted a journal called "a cry for help" some days ago, with no explanation for the reason behind this, or even a reply to the comments on the journal.

I'll have to start with Greenland, because after finishing College, I had to go back here to help my mom with the troubles and hardships with my brother, but I've hesitated because I do not like the general greenlandic people, specially in the capital Nuuk. But family needed help, so I had to go. Mom knows my hate for this place, and she says it's without merit, therefore my opinion is irrational.

I've always had bad experiences with Greenland since childhood, I'm born here after all, almost every friend I visited as a kid, had drunk parents, or simply high parents who naturally didn't care for their kids, or did care enough to abuse them physically, while I was watching.

Less than a month after my arrival, I saw a girl being harassed and violently abused in a staircase in the apartment block I live in. I didn't hesitate for a moment to try and help her. the guy turned to me and smelled like alcohol, became arrogantly aggressive and got me beaten up. My mom tried to separate him from me because he was strangling me, manically determined to end my life. After a while I got my foot free and tried to kick him in the face, but it became hard to focus, and my vision got so blurry and by the time I finally aimed at him, I missed. I could no longer move and everything was fading. "Is this where it ends?" was the thought I had on the floor. I woke up again, and stood up, I saw him fleeing and heard my mom talking with the police on the phone, so I went after him, but it was so hard to even walk straight. He got away.
What amazed me though, was all the spectators, none of which called police or even thought about helping us.
I ended in the local hospital and had to talk with police, doctors and insurance company countless times.

I call the police so many times during a month, about 1-5 times every 14 days, this neighbourhood had so many break-ins I witness to (only the ones who simply break the glass though, because that's really loud). And they even try to break in while you're still obviously at home, in the very room. They sneak in hospitals and steal at any given moment and sell drugs in the open, inside the stores.
I sleep next to a drug dealer, and drug addicts are so desperate, that the door is being beaten and kicked AT LEAST 3 times a day, sometimes theres one kid (@ 6-10 yrs old) paid to knock on the door, with a large group hiding, and waiting for the door to open.
A woman once cried desperately for her life, but we couldn't locate the source, after a few minutes, it got quiet.
People have approached me on the streets, telling me I have cigarettes and they want to buy them, then grabbed me before I knocked them away asking them to stay away.
A pram with a toddler in it was let go by a mom too busy chatting with other women, began rolling downhill, right past a handful of people I had to run past in order to save the kid, no one gave a single fuck. That was while on my way from the library where a couple was yelling at each other, for the 100th time. Yeah, Greenlandics yell a lot on the streets, they argue all the fucking time, and spend all their money on drugs and alcohol.
Greenlandics are also very discriminative, even against other Greenlandics from other parts of the country, they keep verbal abusing foreign citizens, and they especially hate Greenlandics like me, who doesn't speak Greenlandic. (I've seen a LOT of that during my time as Hotel security, bringing up the phone up to the table and asking them to continue the shit talk usually calms them down, thinking that I'm actually recording.)

It keeps piling up, and everyone are so passive about this, even when I try to resolve it. In danish, theres a saying "The drop that makes spills the content." (roughly translated), and that fits the day at the library. I was using my laptop, and next to me was a guy browsing on his phone, suddenly he knocks his fist on the touch screen angrily. Damn, that was pretty weird. After a few more minutes, I jump up a little by a loud bang caused by his smashing on the table, and kept going a few times before leaving, no one bats an eye, not even the employees thought it was strange, no one gave a shit. I would normally ask them to calm down, but I was already so stressed out that I immediately had to leave. I went home and mom saw that I wasn't feeling well. I explained what happened and she did think it was strange... that I cared. She told me "Just ignore it." I replied "I can't." she repeated right away "just ignore it". "I CAN'T!" and I got to the breaking point, but she calmly repeated as if it was a tape recording on repeat "just ignore it". I broke down and yelled out loud, that I cannot ignore all the crazy shit going on around me in this sick country who gives a shit. She just stared at me weirdly and asked "Whats wrong with you?". So I left and my thoughts got shrouded in desperation, which later became thoughts of self destruction. I could not contain myself anymore, and I knew that ending my own life would be plausible.

I found this piece of information:
And I think of all the people who had enough of the madness in this country, thinking they were the only sane people, and couldn't take it anymore like me.
I thought of Robin Williams, who I never would've guessed that he was depressed. So I decided to make a cry for help, but was not strong enough to explain why, just hoping some people cared enough.
I made the post on the phone, but was unable to reply to your comments, and found out why, I disabled a bunch of features on the Opera browser to save on the super costly bandwidth. (I used to have internet, but the company made up imaginary bills of over 6000 USD, which you HAVE to disprove somehow in order to purge the bill. They did this to a bunch of people, I was one of them, and the court cannot help).
Anyway, I did however compose a journal earlier on the phone, about as long as this one, so it took forever, but it got lost when I tried to post it, motivation to type it again on the phone was non-existent, sorry about that.

Thank you so much for your concern, and thank you again for helping me out for those who did, I do try to act strong, but I can't pretend all the time.

Thanks for reading this far, have a good day.

Thanks for your concern


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  • Link

    hugs tightly

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      hugs just as tight

  • Link

    *hugs* I hope you can get out of there soon x.x

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      I hope so too, and get a job before my education starts.

  • Link

    Oh shit :/

    You have my sincerest sympathies. I've heard about the problems like this in Northern communities; they exist in Canadian ones as well. You're strong and you'll make it. We're here for you.

    • Link

      Thank you.
      I did not know of the troubles in Canada would be similar.

      • Link

        In very northern communities; those in the Yukon, NWT and Nunavut experience similar problems sadly. :(

  • Link

    There's nothing wrong with you hugs

    • Link

      Thank you hugs
      It's hard to think straight sometimes.

  • Link

    Wowwwwwww man, that's really awful. :C

    Some stuff's just impossible to ignore, and uh, yeah. It shouldn't have to feel like it's your responsibility to take care of everyone's wellbeing when they should be taking care of their own, but how else are you supposed to react, really? I'd feel the same way, especially since terrible things keep happening over and over again. I couldn't live in such an environment.

    Caring for yourself before caring for other people isn't selfish, it's self-preservation. In emergencies on airplanes they say to put your own oxygen mask on first before you help the people next to you. You're obviously a sensitive and caring person, and you feel the pain of the people around you and you're frustrated that nobody besides you seems to be particularly bothered by any of it. You shouldn't have to be a martyr and throw yourself on the fire. You went back to Greenland to help, not to sacrifice your health and life, and if you don't have the strength to help then being there is worse than pointless: it's literally killing you. You won't be able to do any good if you're dead. Anyone who expects you to care for them more than you can care for yourself is asking too much, this is true of all humans. It's just not something we can do, it's emotionally impossible.

    Can you leave Greenland, regardless of how your family might feel about it? You can come back to Greenland when you feel stronger. You can't come back from being dead.


    • Link

      When I hesitated to move here, I did consider being homeless in Denmark instead, but I thought it would be too selfish of me.
      I'd love to move asap, and my job seems done here anyhow. My problem now is to find a place to stay where I can get a job and earn some money before starting Uni with either astrophysics or computer graphics.
      It was planned to get a job here, but I can't get the courage to get out and get a job where everyone are potential assholes, simply based by experience.
      Before I got to college, I worked as a security guard, and the manager was the kind who shows indirect hate, and always complained about not cleaning the floor properly, she'd get inside with muddy shoes and look back on the tracks she made herself "look, you haven't even cleaned this". If it wasn't for her own boss being Danish and understandable, she'd had her way and fired me. But instead she just tried to make me quit myself. And boy was it hard to resist.
      Of course, not everyone's a jerk, there's some friends who I talked with who also felt alienated here, stressed out and wanted to get away. In fact, there's a documentary called "fleeing/escaping Greenland" about the large number of greenlandics wanting a better life.

      Thank you so much for your support. I'm moved by your comment.

      • Link

        That's messed up. I dunno. I hope joy keeps finding its way to you through the shit, Z.

  • Link

    Holy shit, that sounds rather stressful. It's a shame that the very people that live there are blind to their environment, or just downright unwilling to see what's going on.
    You can't help everybody when nobody else cares, it's just impossible. I strongly suggest you try to adapt a similar attitude, if you're planning on staying there for any longer, as i fear that if continue to act as you have before, you'll end up running your tolerance to a corner. If leaving is viable, take your chance, as Swatcher says, i think it's best for your physical and mental health.

    Don't drag anything out more than you have to.

    many hugs to you

    • Link

      I'm afraid that adapting this kind of attitude would have long term effects on my life. But luckily I have no plans on staying here, or ever moving back. This is not my country, this is not my home, but it is where I was born.

      Thanks, I appreciate it. hugs

  • Link

    Just read this now
    The place you live seems like things have just been let go so long ago nobody seems to care. Can't believe some of the stuff you said happened, I sincerely hope you manage to get a break from it all sometime 3:

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      I hope so too, I just gotta hang on.

  • Link

    hugs tightly Hey. I'm periodically on if you ever wanna do any Diablo III runs. I'm tankcoyote#1291

    • Link

      I don't have the Internet to play with. I'll add you when I do though. Thanks.

      • Link

        Ok. Aside from that, I hope you become quite happy and you have lotsa loving friends, including me....if we ever get around to shooting the breeze.

  • Link

    Det her er 2 år for sent, men...hold da kæft. Man, sounds like I dodged a bullet when I declined a teaching position in Greenland (it was even around that time, actually). All I was concerned with was the logistics; I didn't even give one thought to the society! You did good getting out of this alive!