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Finally back home by Gryphonbits

We got back the other day. I have been trying to unwind but when we returned a whole bunch "of needs done now" happened so Im trying to get that wrapped up before starting back up with streams.
Walked 53 miles in the first 3 days at Disney World. Visited with some of the artists there got some great advice on building my career from them. Broke a molar while eating at the resort on the first monday. hit Universal rode so many rides I was dizzy when I got back to the resorts room. Have to admit now that Ive been to both Disney land and world I liked land better :/ But Universal is more fun if your looking for rides. in my down time I started learning poi spinning.
The cruise to the Bahamas was way more fun than I had thought it would be. After having been on the boat during some rough weather and choppy seas I now understand the whole "pirates were drunks" myth is more about the rum being a vital tool in making the walking around a boat thats trying to toss you into walls easier to walk around because of the offset in balance XD that and its a blast watching drunk ppl trying to dance when the whole floor shifts in a direction they weren't expecting.
anyway Ill be happy to elaborate further on the exploits of the vacation during the stream Thursday or Friday depending on how quickly I can get everything wrapped up so I can have the time needed to stream. Ill post here if I have to put everything off till Friday.
Till then take care and I will see you next time ^v^

Finally back home


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