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To Keep Or Not To Keep by Scheknul

Recently, I gave over 700 people (between, AIM, Y!, MSN, Skype, and Steam) this message:

(MASS MESSAGE): If you want to stay on my contact list, tell me so. If you don't want to stay on my cntact list, tell me so. For those of you who want to stay, you will stay. For those of you who want to go, you will be removed, not blocked. You may come and go as you please. How ever, there are a lot of you who do nothing but reject me, or forget who I am, so I am giving you another chance. Am I worth it to keep around, or am I just clutter on your list? Choose now, I am waiting.

Only 5 people told me that they had no time for me, or friends in general. Either they were too busy, or were far too stuck up to keep me on their friends list. Or I had done something to someone that they know through someone who ran into someone via impact with a brick wall with someone, who had a bad run in with me, and because of (he caught a fish this big) it turned into (thiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis big), they wanted nothing to do with me.

Statistics have proven to me once and for all: Only a few people on all of my messengers, as well as websites (totalling maybe 40 people between IB, FA, W, SF, DA) who don't like me. So, in the grand scheme of things, there's really no reason for me to leave. If people have issue with me, they're more than welcome to come and be grown up about it, and work things out with me. Or they can continue to either pretend I don't exist, or cling to the hopes that I'll give them something to gripe about for a few days.

There's a few people on here that I'd like to make peace with, such as

and the list goes on. I've taken the time to unblock these people, and if there's anyone else who'd like to put an end to tensions, and just let bigons be bigons, even if we don't interact, then that'd be for the benefit of everyone.

People seem to think that I'm not trying to turn over a new leaf. Well, it's really difficult when drama keeps getting thrown into one's face, and truths getting stretched. how ever, I'm willing to look past, past mistakes, and mishaps, if everyone else is. I know if may be harder for some, rather than others. how ever, there's always time for peace.

Who will join me in said peace? (If you know someone who wants to discuss old grudges, but I seem to have blocked, PM me their user name, and I will unblock them immediately).

Want proof that people are seeking peace with me? wolfstar is a contact of mine on skype again, and we hold regular conversations when we're both available.

So yes, find me, lets be adult, lets work towards peace with one another. I'm sick and tired of the tension, even if nothing is going on between us currently.


I am not just looking to redeem myself to these people: I am looking to redeem myself to InkBunny as a whole. I've had a lot of struggling to go through in my life. How ever, I feel as if I made some serious progress here, everyone could breathe a bit easier. So yes, I am doing my very best from here on to forgive and forget, as long as everyone else is.

I am not looking for friends, though I wouldn't mind attempting to kindle a friendship with anyone. I want to be accepted for me, for who I am, and for who I want to become.

I don't see myself leaving InkBunny any time soon. In light of this, I want to make it my priority to bring about peace. If it has to start somewhere, then let it start with me.


I intend to do what ever is necessary to make up for my past mistakes, behavior, and general douchebaggery. I know I haven't been the kindest person to a lot of you. I know I haven't been the easiest to get along with. I know I have a lot to live up to. And I know damn well that I intend to live up to what I set as a goal. How ever I can not achieve said goal with out you guys willing to come forth. In here, or in private. I'm not here to take screen shots. I'm not here to say "I told you so!" I'm just here, offering myself with the nakedness of it all. I'm here to expose myself. I'm here to let out the bad blood. I'm here to change for the better.

Now the million dollar question: Where do you want me to start making up to you?

To Keep Or Not To Keep


Journal Information

