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Art Updates PLUS Bonus Ramblings! by Rezorian

Art Updates mostly pertaining to that joint commission I ordered some time back and some arting of my own. Yes, I know "arting" isn't a word, but it makes me chuckle all the same so there it shall remain!

There was a joint commission I went in on you see, my second in fact. It is somewhere out there in the world (hopefully) being worked on as we speak. The difference between my attitude on this commission taking so long and the one I was furious about months ago is that, unlike that travesty, this is an artist I've commissioned before. Someone I know will give me a status update if I ask for one. Because of that fact, I'll wait with little critique on my end.

The previous artist though? Ah, such a funny story...and by "funny," I mean anger inducing. I won't rehash my original post's description but let's just say that, when you're an artist that people claim is timely and provides updates...You Should Be Timely And/Or Provide Updates! Crazy, I know, but I've always been a forward thinker, you know?

Enough about that though, let's talk about my recent stumbles through "becoming an artist," something I place in quotes because As I've Proven, I ain't one. I'm not here to be downtrodden though, no I actually have a tale that some might find funny. I did, in retrospect of course.

In my bedroom resides a recliner, one of those powered ones that soon became more of a staging area for clothes than something I actually sit in. So, there I was, trying to figure out what to (attempt) to draw next and it hit me: The Recliner. With a goal in mind, I grabbed my sketchpad, a pen and a clearer frame of mind. I stared at that chair for some time, and I think it peered back into my soul to find my true weakness...I actually didn't know how to draw a chair. It turned my world upside down! Up became Down, Black Became White! Pure Anarchy People!


I just drew something that looked vaguely like a chair and went to sleep afterwards. One way or another, Arting continues. Is it going well? I have no idea, but I'm fumbling around like a champ on it anyway!

Now then, to bed. Actually, no wait...BONUS RAMBLING

  • The Crew has turned from a racing game I was almost enjoying to a disappointment all around. The story is trash and the cars never handle better. I was hoping to get higher tier vehicles and have the controls get more responsive but, nope, they're just bad. May have to sell that bad boy before it gets any less useful to me. Such a pity.
  • There is a series of Four beers comings out over the next few months that are based on the stories of H.P. Lovecraft. I am excited because my innate desire to drink mixed with my love of cerebral horror all but demands I buy them all. Will I? Won't I? The Plot Thickens! (Spoiler Alert: I'm going to buy them)
  • With all the gods and goddesses I've been trying to get in touch with, I better think about building an actual altar soon: There are candles, incense and all other manner of worship all over the place peoples! Wherever I move to will probably just have a prayer room or something. This is getting unmanageable otherwise.

Life Lesson Of This Journal: Baked Potato Soup is an unappreciated gem. I give it 6 Yums Out Of 5

Real Life Lesson Of This Journal: Small progress is still progress. Push forward or risk stagnation...and eat more soup I guess. Yeah, more soup!

Art Updates PLUS Bonus Ramblings!


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  • Link

    Potato soup is the bestist.

    • Link

      The secret is the simplicity...and the potatoes!

  • Link

    Dang now you got me all hungry for potato soup

    • Link

      The plan is working then, like a potato based sleeper cell!