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400 Questions Meme by terrorisnear

  1. Name: Amber Vinzant
  2. Nickname(s): Amby, Ammy, Amboo, Ambo, Terror, Terro, Bramble, Brambo.
  3. Birthday: October 11, 2000
  4. That makes you: 14 bruhh
  5. Where were you born: USA. IN GOOD OL' ALABAMA Y'ALL
  6. Location right now: Alabama
  7. Shoe size: 7 1/2 - 8
  8. How many piercings?: I had ear piercings..... but I had to go to the hospital. (Another story for another day)
  9. Tattoos?: Nah. Too young.
  10. When you wake up you're: DEATH
  11. When your about to sleep you're: DEATH
  12. Zodiac sign: Libra
  13. Chinese sign: Libraaaa...?
  14. Righty or Lefty: Righty
  15. Innie or Outie: Innie
  16. School: Middle school eww i hate it.

Section Two: Looks

  1. Nationality: White
  2. Weight: idk you don't ask a girl that
  3. Height: 5'4?
  4. Braces? No
  5. Glasses? ...yeahh... but I don't wear them. I got made fun of. :I

Section Three: Private Life

  1. Do you have a boy/girlfriend? Single pringle mofo's
  2. If so, who? No one
  3. If not, do you have a crush on someone? ......................No.
  4. Who has a crush on you? I dunno
  5. Ever cheated on your bf/gf? NO
  6. Who was your first kiss: It was stolen by a dinglett
  7. Who was your last kiss: stolen by the same dinglett
  8. Are you a virgin? yes
  9. Ever had a threesome before? NO
  10. NQ- Ever been swarmed by ladybugs?: no??
  11. Have you ever been in love? eww no. Every time I fall in love it ends up sucking. //eats nutella
  12. Broken any hearts? nope.
  13. Got your heart broken? yep
  14. Ever liked a friend? yess
  15. What happened? Nothing. I'm not going to screw up our relationship bro. He's to good for me anyways.

Section Four: Past Relationships

  1. How many relationships have you been in? 3-4??
  2. How many were serious enough to count: 1....
  3. Who were those serious ones: Riley dumbledore stupidhead eat my crap Hall
  4. NQ- Who USED to be your best friend: Caroline Jones until she told the whole school rumors about me.
  5. What made them different: They became popular.
  6. What happened: Told rumors about me.
  7. Best boy/girlfriend: All of my relationships SUCKED
  8. Worst boy/girlfriend: ALL OF THEM EWW
  9. Ever been kissed: Unfortunately, yes.
  10. Who do you want back: eww no one.
  11. What do you regret: Everything
  12. Why? cuz I can

Section Five: Favourites

  1. Song: Watch over you by alter bridge/ in loving memory by alter bridge/ bullet by hollywood undead
  2. Movie: Homeward Bound
  4. Drink: Dr.Pepper
  5. Store: eww stores
  6. Television show: Full House
  7. Holiday: Halloween
  9. Ice cream: Mint chocolate chip
  10. Sweets: jolly ranchers
  11. Crisps: garden salsa
  12. Type of music: Rock and Roll
  13. Artist: Me, duh.
  14. Word: PAMDAFUFU
  15. Time of day: Any time I can hang out with Cooper or Harriet. uvu
  16. Dressing: Italian
  17. Alcoholic drink: Reds Apple Ale (Out of everything I've tried, this is the best.)
  18. Colour(s): Green/blue/black
  19. Piece of clothing: My hoodie ahh
  20. Character: Bramble. Duh
  21. Smell: Blood. Idk why i just like the smell dun ask me questions
  22. Shampoo: CHAMPOO
  23. Soap: SOOAAP
  24. Smiley: whut?
  25. Board game: Candy Land
  26. Sport: FOOBALL
  27. Number: 1000000000000000000000000000000000
  28. Quote: Not everyone is a bad artist. Some are just more experienced.
  29. Animal: Bobcat
  30. Actor: Robert Downy JR
  31. Vegetable: Brocolli
  32. Fruit: Peaches
  33. Place to be: On my laptop with cooper and Harriet.
  34. Thing in your room: Laptop
  35. Gum: Spearmint
  36. Shape: Square
  37. Country: New Zealand
  38. Mall: Decatur City
  39. Car: MUSTANGG
  40. Boy's name: Zero
  41. Girl's name: Paz
  42. Family member: Eww none of them.
  43. Restaurant: CHINA FOOOOOD
  44. Movie place: I don't get out. :I
  45. Person to go to the movies with: ha ha I have no outside friends. xD
  46. Noise: Music
  47. Brand of Shoe: converse
  48. Brand of clothing: idk
  49. Body part of a chicken: breast. =w=
  50. Swear word: FAHK
  51. Month: June
  52. Possession: Hmmm... hoodie or laptop
  53. Team: ALABAMA
  54. Season: SUMMER
  55. Radio station: 95.1
  56. Magazine: rolling stone
  57. Favourite grade: 7th
  58. Least favourite grade: 5th
  59. Teacher: Mr.Bow
  60. Least favourite teacher: Mrs.Edgecombe
  61. Subject: Social Studies/science
  62. Subject to talk about: ^

Section Six: Family

  1. Who's your mum?: ew
  2. Who's your dad?: ew
  3. Any step-parents?: ew
  4. Any brothers?: ew
  5. Any Sisters?: ew
  6. Coolest: NONE. EW
  7. Loudest: all of them.
  8. Best relative: eww no.
  9. Worse relative: all of them
  10. Do you get along with your parents? hell no ask cooper or harriet.
  11. With your siblings? pfft fuck no.
  12. Does anyone understand you? nope.
  13. Do you have any pets? yes
  14. If so, what kind and name? i have over 11 animals
  15. If not, what do you want as a pet? XXX

Section Seven: School

  1. Are you still in school? Unfortunately
  2. Did you drop out?: I can't.
  3. Your current GPA: i dunno
  4. Do you buy or bring lunch?: buy
  5. ABC's?: A's and B's
  6. Favorite class: Science
  7. Play any sports at school?: Nah. All the popular kids wouldn't let me.
  8. Are you popular? No bro they bully me screw them.
  9. Favourite memory: Saying goodbye to Mr.Boy
  10. Most humiliating moment: when I was depressed my friend saw me overdose. i'm okay now.
  11. Most funniest moment: Mr.Boy rolling across the map.
  12. Most scared moment: Tornadoes, April 27, 2011

Section Eight: What do you think of when you hear

  1. Chicken: food
  2. Dog: woof
  3. Christina Aguilera: 1,000 years
  4. Ricky Martin: idk
  5. 50 cent: MONEY
  6. Poop: shat
  7. Beach: sun
  8. Dessert: death
  9. Water: H2O
  10. Osama: HELL.
  11. Love: Lie
  12. Your little brother: brat
  13. Butt: booty
  14. Clowns: eww
  15. Wonder: gone 16o. Brown: poo
  16. Banana: huehue
  17. Sex: reproduction
  18. Parents: assholes who dont care
  19. Homosexuals: normal people
  20. God: idk

Section Nine: Do you believe in

  1. God: XXX
  2. Heaven: XXX
  3. Devil: XXX
  4. Hell: XXX 170: Boogy man: No
  5. Closet Monsters: no
  6. Fortune tellings: no
  7. Magic: no
  8. Love at first sight: no
  9. Ghosts: no
  10. Voo-doo dolls: no
  11. Reincarnation: no
  12. Yourself: haha heck no

Section Ten: Do you

  1. Smoke: second-hand 24 hours a day
  2. Do drugs: Second-hand smoking
  3. Drink alcohol: I've tried it
  4. Cuss: ....noooooooo
  5. Sing in the shower: duh
  6. Like school: meh
  7. Want to get married: no
  8. Type with all of your fingers: sometimes
  9. Think you're attractive: eww no
  10. Drink and drive: nah. don't drive
  11. Snore: yes
  12. Sleep walk: no
  13. Like watching sunrises and sunsets: meh

Section Eleven: Have you ever

  1. Flashed someone: eww no
  2. Gotten so drunk til you threw up everywhere: no
  3. Told that person how you felt: Mehh
  4. Been arrested: No. I'm to young
  5. Gone to jail or juve: No
  6. Skateboarded: No
  7. Skinny dipped: Nooo
  8. Rock climbed: kinda
  9. Killed someone: huehue maybe
  10. Watched porn: eww no.
  11. Gone on a road trip: yes
  12. Went out of the country: no
  13. Talked back to an adult: hehe yeah
  14. Broken a law: MAYBEE
  15. Got pulled over: kinda 208: Cried to get out of trouble: no. i'm not a baby
  16. Let a friend cry on your shoulder: yes
  17. Kissed a brother's or sister's friend: no
  18. Kissed a friend's brother or sister: no
  19. Dropped something on the floor and let someone eat it anyways: hehe
  20. Moon someone: no
  21. Shop-lifted: no
  22. Worked at McDonald's: no
  23. Eaten a dog: NO
  24. Give money to a homeless person: yes
  25. Glued your hand to yourself: no
  26. Kissed someone of the same sex: no
  27. Had a one night stand: yes
  28. Smoked: second-hand
  29. Done drugs: second-hand
  30. Lose a friend because of your ex: yep
  31. Slap someone for being stupid: yep
  32. Had cyber sex: no eww
  33. Wish you were the opposite sex: no
  34. Caught someone doing something: maybee
  35. Played a game that removes clothing: no
  36. Cried during a movie: no
  37. Cried over someone: ...yeahh
  38. Wanted to hook up with a friend: yeahh
  39. Hooked up with someone you barely met: meh
  40. Ran away from home: yeah
  41. Cheated on a test: yes

Section Twelve: Would you

  1. Bungee jump: no
  2. Sky dive: no
  3. Swim with dolphins: no
  4. Steal a friend's bf or gf: no
  5. Try to be the opposite sex: sure
  6. Lie to the police: sure
  7. Run from the police: sure
  8. Lie to your parents: all the time
  9. Backstab a friend for your own well being: no
  10. Be an exotic dancer: no
  11. NQ- Kill the president: huehue maybe

Section Thirteen: Are you

  1. Shy: no
  2. Loud: meh
  3. Nice: meh 249: Outgoing: meh 250: Quiet: meh
  4. Mean: huehue
  5. Emotional: kinda
  6. Sensitive: nahh
  7. Gay: nahh
  8. Strong: nahh
  9. Weak: kinda
  10. Caring: kinda
  11. Dangerous: huehue
  12. Crazy: huehue
  13. Spontaneous: nahh
  14. Funny: kinda??
  15. Sweet: kinda
  16. Sharing: kinda
  17. Responsible: meh
  18. Trustworthy: kinda
  19. Open-minded: meh
  20. Creative: yes
  21. Cute: no
  22. Slick: yes
  23. Smart: yes
  24. Dumb: no
  25. Evil: meh
  26. Ghetto: no
  27. Classy: no
  28. Photogenic: no
  29. Dependable: yes
  30. Greedy: no
  31. Ugly: yes
  32. Messy: no
  33. Neat: yes
  34. Perverted: kinda?
  35. Silly: yes
  36. A B****: haha yeah
  37. A Good Listener: yea
  38. A Fighter: yea
  39. A Party Animal: meh
  40. A Game Freak: meh
  41. A Computer Freak: yes

Section Fourteen: Future

  1. Dream job: veterinarian
  2. Dream house: house
  3. Husband/Wife: eww
  4. Kids: eww
  5. Names: eww
  6. Pets: bobtail
  7. Car: mustang
  8. Age you would want to get married: eww
  9. Best Man/Bride's Maid: Cooper/harriet
  10. Honeymoon: eww

Section Fifteen: Your friends

  1. Best friend: Harriet/Cooper
  2. Known the longest: ehhh
  3. Craziest: Harriet
  4. Loudest: Harriet
  5. Shyest: Cooper n'aww
  6. Best hair: idk
  7. Best eyes: idk
  8. Best body: idk
  9. Most Athletic: Cooper
  10. Hot-Tempered: idk
  11. Most impatient: idk
  12. Shortest: idk
  13. Tallest: idk
  14. Skinniest: idk
  15. Best singer: idk
  16. Funniest: Harriet
  17. Can always make you laugh: Harriet/Cooper
  18. Wish you talked to more: both. (Eventhowetalkallthetime)
  19. Wish you saw more: Both eventhowetalkallthetime
  20. Who drives you insane after a while: neither! I'm never tired of them! 319: Who can you never get sick of? Harriet/Cooper
  21. Ever lose a friend because you took it to the 'next level': no
  22. Whose always been there when you need them: Harriet/Cooper
  23. Who is like your family: Harriet/Cooper
  24. How many friends do you have?: 2.
  25. How many are really close? 2

Section Sixteen: The last

  1. Thing you ate: cheese sticks
  2. Thing you drank: slushie
  3. Thing you wore: tights
  4. Thing you did: this
  5. Place you went: home
  6. Thing you got pierced or tattooed: XX
  7. Person you saw: Harriet
  8. Person you hugged: Chandler
  9. Person you kissed: XXXXXXXXX
  10. NQ- Person you beat to a juicy pulp: don matter they're beat up
  11. Person you talked to online: Harriet/Cooper
  12. Person you talked to on the phone: Harriet/Cooper..?
  13. Song you heard: Bullet by Hollywood undead
  14. Show you saw: idk
  15. Time you fought with your parents: Like 3-4 hours ago?
  16. Time you fought with a friend: idk
  17. Words you said: eyyupp

Section Seventeen: Now

  1. What are you eating: nun
  2. What are you drinking: nun
  3. What are you thinking: ifk
  4. What are you wearing: clothes
  5. What are you doinh?: his
  6. Hair: down
  7. Mood: tired
  8. Listening to: Harriet
  9. Talking to anyone: Harriet
  10. Watching anything: Nah

Section Eighteen: Yes or No

  1. Are you a vegetarian: meh
  2. Are you a carnivore: meh
  3. Are you heterosexual: yes
  4. Do you like penguins: yes
  5. Do you write poetry: yes
  6. Do you see stupid people: errday
  7. You + Me: idk
  8. Do you like the Osbournes: idk
  9. Can you see flying pigs: maybe
  10. Do you sleep with stuffed animals on your bed: ....maybe
  11. Are you from Afghanistan: nope
  12. Is Christina Aguilera ugly: idk
  13. Are you a zombie: Maybe
  14. Am i annoying you: yes
  15. Do you bite your nails: no
  16. Can you cross your eyes: yes
  17. Do you make your bed in the morning: no
  18. Have you touched someone's private part: no... but they kinda... ya know

Section Nineteen: This or That

  1. Winter or Summer: summer
  2. Spring or Autumn: spring
  3. Shakira or Britney: neither
  4. MTV or VH1: VH1
  5. Black or White: black
  6. Yellow or Pink: yelow
  7. Football or Basketball: football
  8. Mobile Phone or Pager: mobile
  9. Pen or Pencil: pen
  10. Cold or Hot: holt
  11. Tattoos or Piercings: tats
  12. Inside or Outside: inside
  13. Weed or Alcohol: alchahol
  14. Coke or Pepsi: coke
  15. Tape or Glue: tape
  16. McDonald's or In-n-Out: mcdonalds

Section Twenty: Opinions

  1. What do you think about classical music: it's okay
  2. About boy bands: meh 390: About suicide: ...let's not have me rant, aiight??
  3. About people who try to force their opinions on you: gtfo
  4. About teen pregnancy: whore/raped
  5. Where do you think you'll be in 10 years: idk
  6. Who do you think you'll still be friends with in 5 years: Cooper/Harriet
  7. About gay men: they're cool

Section Twenty-One:

  1. Do you have a website: nah
  2. Current weather right now: FREEZING
  3. Current time: 8:55 pm
  4. Last thoughts: neikbfhkreck
  5. Tag: Cooper and Harriet

400 Questions Meme


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    Your Chinese zodiac is the dragon. It goes like this: πŸ­πŸ‚πŸ―πŸ°πŸ²πŸπŸŽπŸ‘πŸ’πŸ”πŸΆπŸ·
    In other words, rat, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, sheep, monkey, chicken, dog, and pig. The fable tells about a race, held by the gods, and the 12 winners would do..something. I dunno, I forgot. Anyway, there were 13 animals, all the ones mentioned above plus a cat 🐱. The rat convinced the ox to carry him and the cat across, and on the way, the rat somehow pushed the cat off the ox, and the cat fell into the water. After all the animals crossed, the cat finally crossed cause I THINK it didn't drown, and apparently this also explains why cats hate rats.
    Sorry about all this info, I guess I'm really proud that I'm Chinese ^^;
    Also I typed the emojis using Chinese on a mac, I love that you can do that XD