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Hello There! [Updates and Happy 2015!) by fraulein

Hello Friends! Happy 2015!

I've been working through the dust and cobwebs and have some updates I'm excited to share (because oh boy it's been a while). I've been working through my senior year of my undergrad degree and will be finishing it up this May. I knew the Fall semester was going to be busy, but I didn't realize how busy it would actually be and I apologize for the radio silence. But I have lots to upload over the upcoming days and I hope you do enjoy them! (◡ ‿ ◡)

My senior work has essentially boiled down into three main projects, Schnaggletooth, my business and main thesis, a collection for an experimental fashion show (which will include animal puppets and live music!), and my part-time job as a Digital Textile Printer Technician (which is printing digital images on fabric and the technology is way cool @u@ ).

I've been doodling around with Schnaggletooth for a while, but came to the realization that I really want to push it farther and make it my full time job next year (AHHH!!). This Fall I made a line of small backpacks and patterns based on the Bering Sea and even doing that small scale experiment contained a huge learning curve (printing woes and shipping delays and rush orders galore). I'll be posting some of my collection here but the full disclosure will be on my blog. If you're interested in sporing gear with cool animals from around the world I'd love for you to check it out!

My biggest resolution for the New Year is to post more of my own work and be more of an active community member. I'm a pretty quiet person so posting updates, journals, and comments often gets put on the back burner. But I really want to thank you all for sticking it through with all of the support you've given. I do read through every comment and see watches and faves and greatly appreciate all of them. <3

I hope you're doing well and look forward to hearing how your New Year is going!


Hello There! [Updates and Happy 2015!)


Journal Information

