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Art Slave and a Happy New Year! by Daigo

Happy new years to you and yours! I hope 2015 will be a better year than the last. Heres to hoping and making the best of it.

With the new year, I believe I should switch things up a bit. Ive done the whole Art Slave thing for over a year and have had great time with it. Though thanks to particular feedback , I think its time to change it up a bit. Biggest part of the feedback I got was people unable to keep a secured spot in the auction and of course...auctions going out of their comfort zone. So in order to correct this, Ive decided to kill the auction route and make Art Slave like a bigger commission slot with the same benefits of the Art Slave.

There will be 4 Art Slave Commission slots. 1 for every week of the month.
The price of the Art Slave will be a solid $310 for a total of 6 hours worth of work ( can be paid via Paypal or Google Wallet )
Can be paid up-front or the week when it starts ( allowing folks to save if they need more time )

If any of you are interested in getting an Art Slave Commission Slot. please note me. OR if you have any questions about it. please message me.

Art Slave and a Happy New Year!


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  • Link

    Very nice!

  • Link

    happy new year

  • Link

    Time to save up. ♥

  • Link

    I like this. I've been wanting to hire you for a long time, but knew that I was guaranteed to be outbid. Now I still have to compete to grab a slot, but at least I'll be sure I have enough money to purchase it when the time comes.

    • Link

      that sounds great! also not a whole lot want to do the bigger artslave commissions. so more likely than not you may get a slot. but i hope this way is more fair and balanced

  • Link

    Good luck with that. It's always nice to be in a position where you can actively experiment with harmonizing your creative work and its market. What do you use to track the business side of things, if you don't mind saying? Any particular piece of software, recording method, or such?

    • Link

      like what particular part of the business side. like how i dictate my prices and such? or how i keep the records?

      • Link

        More the latter. Answering questions like "who am I currently working with and on what?" or "is doing 5 more pieces like that last one worth my time?" or "what was different between the month-of-work auctions that went to high prices and the ones that didn't?" I'm curious about the tools for answering those questions, not about the answers themselves (which are almost certainly not my business).

        • Link

          oooh I really dont have any tools to monitor these things. Most of it I let the customers dictate what my time is worth. whether they want things to take super long ,resulting in less work but higher quality and vice versa. its basically based on personal comforts rather than tools.