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Happy New Year! by Pogiforce

a new year, a new beginning, a chance to do things differently. I have a few new years resolutions that I hope I can stick to.

  1. Eat healthier. This means no more soda, try to cut back on fatty, greasy foods, eat more vegetables.

  2. Get more exercise. Even it means just getting out of the house and walking for a while every other day, just need to do something.

  3. Take part in more creative activity. I admit, a lot of my time is spent just sitting around watching youtube and wasting my life. Creative ideas don't get acted on, and that needs to change.

speaking of changes, I've recently gotten an internship at a fashion magazine locally as a graphic designer. while fashion is not my passion and it's far from a design firm, it is still work experience that I've desperately been needing to improve my resume, so I'm giving it my best shot. this means that much of my time is going to be taken up working on designs for the magazine, which does admittedly mean that I will have less time to do artwork for my various online galleries. so as sporadic as my uploads have been, it's about to get worse. Sorry. :( the good news being that if I stay faithful to my third resolution, it should up productivity, so I might actually be able to put out just as often if not more often if I can keep up. We'll see what happens.

Happy New Year!


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