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New Year's Resolutions and Commissions by JustNothing4321

I told myself I wasn't going to do this. But I have a lot on my mind and I believe it should be shared. I will do my best not to start rambling.

First off, I'd like to say that this year had its ups and downs. But it's been the best I've had since the end of 2003. However, I still would like to do better in the coming year. This brings me to my New Year's Resolutions (NYRs). I only have 2 this time.
The first is to rediscover myself. For a while now, I believe that I lost a very important part of me during the last 5 years. I've lost the part of me that loves to do things. Like... the child in me is gone. When it comes to my Art, I've lost my patience. I don't even want to pick up a pen to draw because all I start to think about is how long it's going to take to finish. That and I have 0 (zero) motivation.. When it comes to everyday life, I've lost my energy. Hell, just waking up and getting out of bed is a chore. I've been waking up later and later in the day, and find myself just wanting to stay in bed.
I've got to stop. I am going to try and use this year to rediscover how to make myself happy again. I want to go back to truly enjoying the things I used to. This goes hand in hand with my other NYR.
My second NYR is to draw. Period. Plain and simple. I need to start drawing again. I no longer have a job and Art/Cartooning/Comics is the only thing I'm "good" at.. I might as well use it to my benefit (just as long as I don't stop enjoying it). Not only do I want to draw again.. I want to improve my style. And, since I've got all the time in the world , I'm hoping I have something to show for it by this time next year.

Moving on..! I wanted to announce that I have removed several pieces from my Gallery and Scraps. I removed specific pieces because they are reminders of stressful events and people of my past that are no longer a part of my Life. I didn't give you a heads-up because I didn't want anyone anyone rushing to save them to their computers.

Lastly.. I want to give a shout out to all those who are actively following/watching me. Thank you for all your opinions and your support throughout the year and I hope you continue to do so. It means very much to me. Happy New Year, everyone. Be safe and God bless.May this new year be something positive for us all.

I am open for commissions! I need to save 315€ by the 12th of January. So I will stay open until I have reached my goal amount.
I have added Line Art and Line Art w/Flat Colors to my commission options. If you'd like to commission me, please comment below with the following information:

Type of Commission:
How Many Characters:
Extra Details:

Please... do me a favor and read my entire Terms of Service (ToS). If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to Note/PM me or send an e-mail to Thank you all in advance. Have a happy New Year!

~ BoKo

New Year's Resolutions and Commissions


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