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Rant Time... by Gunni Bunni


... I kind of feel insulted.

I was getting a pin-up for New Years, and when I'm pointing a few things out I see wrong on a sketch (because most artists when the sketch is done will LINE over it to finalize it), one of the other people in the room tells me to shut up and let the artist do her job, and to "trust" her.

This is what happened the LAST time I did that...

I was getting art of my character from WildStar, Miah Moonglade:

Notice the screens I took. I was pointing out a few errors one artist was making on her picture, people told me to "shut up and trust the artist."

The result of listening to them:

It looked -nothing- like the screenshots.

When I commission something... I'm sorry, I'm gonna sound like a complete, utter bitch.
But when I commission something, I want it to look as close to what I give you as you can make it. What that artist did was half-ass it.

I've seen so much of the stuff I order half-assed that I don't even POST it if I even remotely think you did not put 100% of your effort into drawing it.

You might say, "Well... what is wrong of that? You pay money, you get what you pay for, not 'You pay money, you get what someone else wants.'

Well, that is true. and what did I get? Crap. So I will kindly move along and never commission you again if you give me crap. I mean, sure. Other people might be happy with what they get snd are willing to settle for less. But when it comes to me, you either get it right the first time or you don't get it right at all.

It's why I like artists like Furball, Vexstacy, TheLionFish, Nat-Nat (AKA Natsukis_Commishes), MackeyGraphics, and Saucy.

They -listen-.

They put -effort- into what I have given them.

And to drive the point home.

THAT is what Nat-Nat did with what I gave her. And she even asked, "Does anything need to be changed?" when she showed me the WIP during the production of this ref sheet.

I'm sorry if I sound like a mean, picky customer. Promise I'm not. If I see a mistake, I'll point it to you to give critique and make you better. But if you blatantly tell people off and do it the way you want without accepting any input from the person commissioning you, and if you refuse to give your all when you do something for someone, then you do not deserve their business. You're not getting payed to draw it however you want unless it's a Wing-It stream. And if all you're gonna do is Wing-It Commissions, then you should put it up on your stream announcement.

That said, again, I promise you I'm not picky, nor am I mean. However, when I'm sitting in your commission stream, be it PWYW or a standard Commission Stream, and order a commission, I am paying you to do it to my specifications. Even if it is a little more time consuming, quality is everything, and that should take precedence over quantity. If you think it's gonna be too time consuming, then at least set a number of slots aside as to how many you will take before streaming so people won't be butt-hurt. Because when you don't listen to your commissioners and then wonder why your business is always so bad you have to give discounts to make money, you kind of need to get yourself checked.


Rant Time...

Gunni Bunni

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