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Something I Need to Say by LarLarBehemoth

Its funny on what you find on the net when you goggle yourself, but other times its not. Now I don't normally let little things like this get to me, but after reading someones post on a site there's something that I really need to discuss.

I don't really like to call out people (yet alone can in this case) or bitch about stuff like this, but after reading a certain post that was made on 12/17/14 (Wed) 08:37:00 I need to get my voice out to this individual and you know exactly who you are.

I need to get my point across; I'm not perfect and other artists here aren't perfect. I literally spend hours and days even on my work sketching out poses, outlining, coloring and shading my works. I try to be different but whenever I get in a nut called a art block I look at other artists that I admire/respect works to get motivation. I can assure you that other great artists do the same. I will admit that sometimes my works and others would look like they imitate others but I try my best to veer away from that. OK? Like I said I'm not perfect, and having someone saying that I'm copying someone else when I literally spend hours on one piece is just downright upsetting.

I don't do this for popularity, I do this because I enjoy drawing, it is one of the few, if not the only thing, that I can say is a talent that I have. If I can use this talent to make other people happy or better enjoy what I have to share then I will love doing so.

I'm not Cheetahpaws, I'm not Neodokuro, and I am most certainly hell not Kokuhane. I'm not trying to be a dick I'm just trying to say that I work hard just as any other artist out there.

Just wanted to get that off my chest.


Something I Need to Say


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