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Documentation is a bit like sex. by blueotter

Documentation is a bit like sex. When it's good, it's great. When it's bad, it's better than nothing.

So, back-end work progresses on Fursquare, the server-side API that powers the native Android app. This is the 'least sexy' work, as it is all about connecting cool prototype screens to real back-end components and writing all the boring plumbing and debugging it. That kind of activity is necessary, but there's little visually to show for it. But, the Fursquare API will be an open and extensible API that others can leverage to improve the overall furry community that it will support. You can check out some selected portions of the API here:

While that is only useful to nerdy types like myself, maybe it will spur some excitement and collaboration for how we can bring the community together and leverage the create individual web communities with Fursquare to create an integrated experience that brings art, furs, roleplay, profiles, chat, and the rest all together.

I hope to get a lot more done over this holiday break, and will soon be placing invite information on the Oklahoma Furs Facebook group, which will be my alpha test bed. I'll also post an invite to the closed alpha here for those interested when the time is right in a few weeks.

Until next time - Merry Christmas!

Documentation is a bit like sex.


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