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Patreon Thoughts/Suggestions? by armaina

I've been giving thought to was maybe setting up a patreon to go with the comic, one that would withdraw with each update as I start to get on a schedule. My problem is that I.... don't know what I'm going to do for incentives. A really common thing people do is offer WIP and sketches and stuff for people to see, but I already post that kind of stuff online as is, so it's not like it'd be anything unique or interesting on that account. Other offer private livestreams but I don't really get people interested in the streaming that I do in the first place. Other things like PDF access to back volumes or early strip access isn't something I can do because I have no backlog and I don't know how good my buffer will be.

For the moment the only ideas I can come up with for a backer incentive that was like 'gets to offer suggestions for background characters and NPCs' (ie: throw out a bug and color scheme and I'll pick from the pile as I need) but IDK how many would think that's worth it for any amount. I was also thinking maybe some backers could get actual reoccurring NPCs out of characters made but I have no idea how frequently anyone would expect the character to show up or what would be reasonable for that x_x (that might also be something way later down the line IDK)

The other thing is, I don't really have much to offer in the way of milestones. Most the patreons I've seen have been for people that already had a pretty established audience or had their comics around for a while. Things like back volume prints, merchandise, or like behind the scenes info that are like I said, stuff I've been posting freely for most my life so it's not like it'd be special in my case. To be honest I don't know if anyone is even interested in any sort of art book.

So IDK what would you like to see from me in this theoretical future if you could be a patreon, even if you can't back it now. Because honestly, I don't really know what I have to offer that anyone would actually be interested in.

Patreon Thoughts/Suggestions?


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