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Hellraiser Dream by sixrabbits

The other night I had a semi fantastic dream that I became a cenobite. Why only semi fantastic? You’ll find out.

First, I solved the puzzle box (I think it was the one from Hellseeker), and I’m immediately escorted to out of this plane of reality. I’m greeted by a figure I’d seen in a dream years ago; a mostly naked, muscular man with his head wrapped in barbed wire, obscuring his face. He’s holding some huge knife and I’m informed that he will be doing my alterations.

"No offense, dude," I protest, "but can you even see? I’m not getting on the slab for this guy. I want a surgeon! Someone with skill"

Got my wish, Doctor Channard pops up and takes over. I was actually kind of giddy. Once again, I’m having one of those dreams where I can feel what happens, and I feel the scalpel go through the skin. Channard carefully cuts me open, from larynx to pelvic bone, and the whole time I’m just buzzing with excitement.

An assistant that looks kind of like the original version of Lex Luthor pops up and while I’m giggling about how squishy my liver is, and just pulls out some of my small intestine and starts chopping it up. All I say in response to this is “Dude! You can’t go reaching in there like that! I don’t know you!” but I break into laughter.

Well, having finished that, I’m put into a little room and given a needle and a spool of human hair. Some unnamed cenobite tells me I have stitch myself back up before my shift starts.

"Shift? What shift? There are shifts?"

"Yes, you’re the new waitress."

Of all the….

Thankfully I woke up before I had to wait tables.

Hellraiser Dream


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  • Link

    This cracks me up on so many levels. I rather enjoy the fact that being sliced into and vivisected was the GOOD part of the dream!

    • Link

      Yeah, I was so happy to be opened up like that. I don't know why, it still hurt (I might have been having a flare up, because I woke up with pain) but it felt like I was actually becoming something wonderful.

      • Link

        cause its a symbolic use of being open with people on a huge level and the reilef that comes from it

        • Link

          Or it could be symbolic of how much I would like to just have my guts removed so that they can't hurt me anymore.

          • Link

            a realese of some sort i guess, hope havent hit a raw nerve on that one i just like taking apart dreams and seeing what they might be about

            • Link

              Nah, s'alright.
              I do find talking about the interpretation of the subconscious to be entertaining.
              Given that I woke up with pain, and today that pain was pretty prominent, it might have just been my subconscious working with the signals it was already getting.