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10 usd portrait commissions by SirMeo

I said I would be offering one more sale before I retreat for Christmas... so here it is, I realized I haven't painted portraits in ages, and since I usually do my Calendar pieces as painted Speedpaint portraits... a separate Portrait sale!

Examples:here, here, here, here ...

**For 10 usd you can get a fully colored bust/waist up portrait of your character. **Whether the piece is waist up or bust is artist's [that's me!] decision.. If you order three portraits, the third one will be 30% off, meaning instead of 30 usd, you get three for 27 usd!

Pieces are sort of "wing it" -- while you can suggest me themes and moods, you can't give me too specific instructions.

I cannot promise I finish every portrait for Christmas, but for only 3 usd you can get to my "rush" queue and get yours finished for Christmas! Even if you don't want to get to my rush queue, there is a chance your art will be finished for Christmas, just that it's not guaranteed. Regardless of whether you choose to be on rush queue or not, all artwork will be finished under 2 months, or you can ask for a full refund.

As usual, I can draw original characters, fan characters, humans, humanoids, furry, fantasy creatures, MMO player characters [WoW, Wildstar, GW2...] and the like. I will not draw real life people, fanart, lore characters from MMOs or adult content.

If you are not interested in portraits, my regular commissions are also open, info here!

T**o request a portrait, fill out THIS FORM.** I will invoice you via PayPal, if I accept your request. If you do not receive an e-mail within 48 hours, please send me an e-mail Please e-mail me only if you have problems with the form; I would much prefer you to use the form if at all possible!

If you want to have a higher res version of your artwork, state so in the "anything else" field. If you fail to do so, I will send you only the web-sized version!

My general commission ToS applies. My commission queue can be seen here.

-- Sir Meo

[meoproject] [meocraft] [sirmeo@wzl] [sirmeo@FA] [sirmeo@dA]

COMMISSION FORM // sirmeo @ gmail DOT com

Signal boosts appreciated, I'd like to fill at least 5 slots!

10 usd portrait commissions


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    Filled out the form! :)