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Really sorry guys-- by Holocene

I'm feeling even more sick today..... No idea why.
I'm scared my physical state won't be able to improve until my emotional state has and that... may or may not ever heal.

Anyway-- wanted to apologize for the mass character upload, it's something I've put off for a while
and now that I'm officially bed wridden, I'm going to take care of it today.

Most of my characters will be up for sale, so if you see one you're super interested in, feel free to make an offer
PRIVATELY. (notes) But please try not to be offended if I say no, and I will not be giving prices or estimates, but I will state if I had a previous offer, and I will let you know what that offer was / is.

Also a big thank you to those of you who have tried to reach out and help me, this is honest to god the hardest thing I have ever been through, and though none of you can actually fix my problem and make it all better for me, you are doing what you can and going out of your way to help me, and that's all that I can ask for. . .

Thanks so much guys.

Really sorry guys--


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    Also the characters that have a " ★ " in the Character Name, will not be for sale unless you offer me something I absolutely couldn't refuse.

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    post more character! theres wayyy more than what youve posted! i know it!

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    i haven't commented much during all this because i'm no good at words but for what it's worth i've been worried about you and i hope things get better for you soon. there's nothing i or anyone else can say to make things better as i'm sure you know, but having been through some rough periods myself i can at the very least tell you that everything does indeed come to an end and that includes the absolute lowest points of your life, when you want things to get better and they just get worse. you are a worthwhile and capable person and you will pull through this because you are stronger than you think. hang in there; i wish you the best.

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    feel better!!! -huggles-