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Moving from FA to Weasyl by RileyGoRound

After taking some inspiration from some other artists I follow (Cough Soulscape Cough) I will be making weasyl my primary art site.

FA as a whole is starting to hurt this community. Disregarding the fact that people need that site to make a living, the inability to keep users' privacy intact, servers functioning, and 'upgrades' short and noticeable should have marked the tombstone long ago. Don't even get started on what happens to that "fundraiser" money.

FA has been messed up for years and we all just keep saying "Its okay. Its not THAT bad. I'm sure change is coming."

But it never has. I'm starting to think it never will.

And I'm tired of being part of the problem. Unlike a monopoly (IE Cable companies, etc) where you only have one choice, we have many different (and BETTER) alternatives to furaffinity. The fact that FA has been messed up for as long as it has been is just as much fault as the administration's as it is the users'. As artists, we are directly responsible for where this internet traffic goes and we all need to be a part of the solution.

TLDR I will be posting my artwork here from now on. My FA will receive only major updates. I encourage all who read this to do the same

Moving from FA to Weasyl


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