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Re: Weasyl by Calypso_Koalasaur

I fully support their decision not to roll over and pander to bullies.

As many of you know, there was a time when the Weasyl admins asked me to take down my Fur Affinity journals detailing Dragoneer's theft of donation money, stating this exact same problem: that they were callout journals and that this was against the rules. They also gave me the exact same ultimatum: change the wording and we will let you keep it up. I didn't argue or send all of you after them. I did what they asked because I appreciated that they were giving us a safe place to discuss the crime in, and changing one or two words still did not constitute being a huge fucking deal. I also had solid, picture proof behind every single solitary statement I made and this was a huge factor in their decision making process.

Did I accuse them of being on Dragoneer's side? Did I ever say they were "protecting" Dragoneer? That they were "encouraging" crimes? Absolutely not.

Yet now, this seems to be what I should have said. Through bullying and mob mentality, I have to be afraid to say that I support their decision to go through the proper channels to handle this debacle. The exact same channels you all watched me go through. And what's worse, some of you who supported their decision on -my- journals are turning right around and joining the murder squad due to the other one I'm referring to, without seeing that this is simply a real-world case of what happens when one person handles the same situation correctly and one does not.

I'm not afraid of the public backlash of supporting this decision because the truth is all I fight for. The truth is why I outed Zidonuke and the truth is why I publicly state that I stand with Weasyl and know that what they did is right. The only crime here, is that I have to be nervous about posting that sentence.

Look at us, dear followers, for an example of what can happen when you do something -the right way.- Keep fighting for what's right and what's real, no matter who might try to bully you into silence with name calling, teasing, and lying.

Weasyl, you did the right thing.

Re: Weasyl


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    I wish I had your elegance with words.

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    The rules are there for a good reason. They are actively enacting the rules. It seems the issue here is that the rules are inconvenient in this situation and some people don't like it.

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      The rules are not inconvenient if you have proof. I've proven that.

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    I stand right there with weasyl and you on that. I actually can't believe people are actually trying to force them into a double etandard, when that kind of stuff is exactly what many of us are trying to get away from with FA.

    I just wanna share my art, make a buck or two, and make some friends with out having to worry about people being ripped off or hurt man! So much to ask for? T-T

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    I'm surprised how quickly Weasyl made a statement and was upfront and showed the leaked logs discussing the situation (albeit redacted to protect people's privacy, though the uncensored logs can be seen if you know where to look). Could you imagine Dragoneer doing something like this? "A lot of people have been concerned about Zaush and Zidonuke. For the sake of transparency, here are the original leaked notes between me and another user about the night she says Zaush pressured her into sex. Also, here are reddit links discussing what Zidonuke did to other websites he worked on before I brought him on as a coder a year ago."

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    Finally SOMEONE That sees and understands common sense! i applaud you.

    its like I came here to weasyl to get away from the doublestandards of FA but people are trying to force weasyl staff into making it a double standard to suit the few.

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    I will agree with this.
    But what I don't get is why people want weasyl into a double standard? :c
    I mean, Weasyl is doing fine with out it. (FA doesn't even need it!).
    And I would also support what Weasyl is doing is right.

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    I pity you.... because the exact same thing had happened to me. When I was role playing with Umeko, who is now my ex friend, she kept trying to take control of my offspring characters, godmodding them into the characters she wants them to be then eventually claimed them for herself. By the time I created my character Olivia, she became so obsessed with the character that she was DETERMINED to have the character for herself, even if it cost her an 8 year friendship. I didn't want her controlling Olivia so I fought her to keep her under my control. I even told her flat out that I didn't want her to mess with Olivia and I wanted her to leave the character alone, but she didn't listen. Then there's her inability to accept differences, development or change among characters. She insisted on having every single offspring character be the same as her character Skylier and she forced all the cubs to go through abusive training to become overpowering warrior monarchs in the future. That was the only option they had and they couldn't be anything else. When a friend of mine asked me why all the offspring characters were the same, I had no answer to give her because that was her rules and I was desperately trying to keep the peace between us. However, I was very unhappy with the character Umeko was forcing Olivia to become. In fact, I hated it so much that I just wanted do give her a complete makeover and start over again. My friend nodded and told me this: If you created Olivia then you should be able to develop the character however you want and make the changes she needs. forget her screwed up definition of co ownership- that's nothing more than a selfish brat who wants her way with everything and who cares what she thinks! So I grabbed Olivia and gave her the makeover I wanted to give her then submitted her to deviantart and fur affinity. i was finally happy with the character and many others seemed to like her as well thinking that she had become a very pretty character. When Umeko saw it, she screamed, cried, and threw explosive temper tantrums, demanding that i change her back to the way she was before or else. Then her controlling behavior and godmodding got even worse... almost on an obsessive level. Then she started controlling my main characters as well and started to change their storylines so that they would become a mirror image of her lunarian world. I got so sick of it that I put my foot down and screamed: THAT'S IT! I'VE HAD IT! I QUIT THIS F***ING ROLE PLAY AND I HATE WHAT YOU'VE DONE TO MY CHARACTERS! I WANTED YOU TO LEAVE THEM ALONE BUT YOU DIDN'T LISTEN! NOW I WILL END THE FRIENDSHIP AS WELL! I CAN'T TAKE YOUR ABUSE ANYMORE! I'M DONE. I QUIT! After that emotional meltdown, I blocked her everywhere and did whatever i could to make my accounts friends only or private when she started stalking me on those websites. then the harassment began. at first she still tried everything she can to win me back as a friend like drawing me gift arts and making false promises that she never kept but slowly but surely it turned ugly. she started harassing me on her journals and told people lies about me. she harassed me in public forums. if i told the truth to anyone, she would yell at me in her journals and tell me to leave her alone and stop sending people messages. The only reason i did send people messages is to tell them what really happened between us as she kept lying about me to them, but it was up to them to believe me or not. umeko just forced them to listen to her side of the story and expected everyone to believe her and take her side. but she had a long list of victims... i was just another one on her list. i contacted the staff of fur affinity and deviantart numerous times about the stalking and harassment but they did nothing. in the end, i left afraid that i would end up just like you. what you went through here is narcissistic abuse and it's pretty clear that you went through a nasty smear campaign. the only thing you can really do about this is go completely no contact... it will drive them nuts and in the end, the truth will be exposed and it will destroy them. Take care.