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Warframe by Grendel

This page is too quiet, so here are some Warframe beta thoughts!

  • The coop part is fun and is a nice change from the typical hoard mode gameplay that most shooters have now, running missions on randomly generated maps as opposed to sitting behind cover in walled arenas for ten waves (of course one of the mission types is a straight up hoard mode defense, welp).

-Netcode gets very shaky, moreso when the host is not on a good connection which can lead to some annoying desync bugs that can halt progress.

-Pay to not grind. You can build/purchase every gun and warframe in the game without spending a dime, but dropping some money for funbucks lets you skip on having to gather crafting materials or speeding up production times. Currently the games paywall comes in the form of being able to add more inventory space to hold weapons and warframes soooooooo a number of people are still annoyed.

-Alerts are special missions that randomly appear on the world map that offer bonus rewards, 99% of the time it's more credits while rare missions have a mystery box that can drop unique group powers and weapons. Thing is, credits are really easy to earn so no one bothers with these missions unless it involves an actual prize -- a huge problem if they are supposed to bribe you to keep playing for longer periods.

-There is very little content (three groups of baddies to shoot and one map style), the devs have address this by saying they aim to add more per month. Only thing's they have announced are at minimum two weapons a month and the promise of a new tileset of rooms.

buuuuuuuut in the end this game has held my attention longer then other free to plays and I feel very tempted to drop down some money for their founders program. Just....please fix the game some more devs. :(



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