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Coming Soon! by MadamStormFeather

Tonight (hopefully, I really really hope tonight) I plan to begin on the design for my second tattoo. It will be modeled after the Loki pendant I have, and have some Viking Urnes "vine work" with runes in it that spell out something. I haven't decided on that yet. Something like "May the Trickster bring you laughter" or something of that sort.

The second thing I'd like to begin (not sure when) is another interpretation of Loki, but without the modern image of a punk anarchist like I've submitted previously. I mainly want to make a digital version of it (like with all of my artwork on here so far as of posting date) as a model to go off of when I finally paint him for my altar for him. (I currently cannot afford the paints or brushes at this time for that, but I have saved my canvases for when we moved. They're in isolation right now for the time-being for safety precautions.)

I also would like to (again, not sure when) begin on drawing a gift for a friend of mine for Yule/christmas/the Holidays.

I do have plans on continuing with my comic strip, but I don't know when I'll get around to doing that.

I'm trying really hard to get back into the groove of making art again. I need to do something productive to get my mind off this "I'm stuck in life because I have to wait more" mindset. I also need to get my mind off of how difficult my parents can be in conversation on certain topics.

And last but not least, I'd really like to get into calligraphy, but such projects would take me a while because I'm left-handed and I don't want to smear anything. :(

Coming Soon!


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