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How do you human? by Swanda

How do you do anything at all even?

I'm so useless these days, more than usual even. It's hell.
There's so much stuff and so much art I want to do... but...
...I can't. For some reason I just can't.


How do you human?


Journal Information



  • Link

    Idk, how do you furry?

    • Link

      Idk, what is furry even?

      • Link


        • Link

          It's a mystery

          • Link

            Indeed it is.

            • Link

              • Link

                YouTube is blocked for me. School Mac, remember? ^^'

                • Link

                  Sucks.... Oooon the other hand it saves you from a lot of horrid things... somehow I ended up doing the YT thing where you go from one video to the next and somehow ends up at some really disturbing shit.. and yeah I think that was enough internet for today.

                  • Link

                    Oh goodness! I've run into some pretty weird stuff before.

  • Link

    Sometimes you get days you don't want to come out the beod even...

    • Link

      Oh man, I've been very strict with myself on that. Trying to rebuild a normal and healthy sleep schedule, cuz it was all going to hell... being awake for 5-6 hrs a day is not good.. One shouldn't sleep so much. It's hella bad for So many reasons. orz But yeah I feel yeah

  • Link

    Personally? Not very well D:

    aimlessly slapping colors around on canvas is sorta cathartic tho

    • Link

      Here's to team "Not very well."
      It is our season, and our time not to shine.. woooh.
      Why is the sun gone? Like really? Why? I hate that about the cold season ._ .
      It's not really helping things along.

      • Link

        I don't really mind the dark; it's the forced interaction that happens that's really not helpful. The holidays always make me anxious. =~=

        Not that I dislike my family or anything, but they're all very much extroverts. Seeing them is super draining and not really something I look forward to, despite being happy to see them (as if that makes any sense haha)

  • Link

    Put pen to paper/tablet and hope for the best?

    • Link

      But even that is more than I can handle ._.
      And when despite this, I managed to do it... nothing comes out at all.

  • Link

    The question is not how, but why . . .

    • Link

      The meaning of this is not at all obvious to me. And I think everyone when they read it will think something different and possibly not at all what you were thinking.

      • Link

        Well, mostly I was thinking why would you art human, but the other interpretations are good too.

    • Link

      Why do we human?
      Oh man, that would most likely be an interesting question on a good day.
      But it's not a good day, and such questions can lead down very dark thought patterns that I would rather not ever revisit.
      Right here and now though, the why I wanna human is very simple. Being unable to function on anything higher than the most basic level is painful and depressing as hell.

  • Link

    I'm sorry you're having such a shitty time :( It seems like it's been going on for quite a while too?

    It's such a show stopper, all of this. I'm sorry for being so pushy all the time, but we really need to do things about things. It's stressing me out so much on top of everything else that's stressing me out and I'm just a huge mess at this point.
    Hahaha but me saying that doesn't help jack shit, now does it. Probably even the opposite. Fucking fuck everything.

    • Link

      It's been going on for months now yes. Not the same shit all the time, but different versions of the same problem.
      So whenever I get stable on one front, something else just breaks down... orz

      And I honestly I am sorry ;A;
      I know that it's stressing you, and yes that stresses me right back... but it's not really anyone's fault.
      We must find a way to just roll with it I guess... hehe.

      Meh. My plan to rebuild a stable sleep schedule does appear to help though. For now at least.
      I might be absolutely useless in the evening, but my morning hours are getting better and better each day. -_ -
      So yeah, I guess there is that.

      • Link

        Yeah, I think regular schedules are a good thing overall. Also, sleep twice for a shorter amount of time if you really need to sleep. That works better for me at least shrug
        Roll with it? Well yeah, but how? I don't have the energy to manage things. I can't even push myself to get anything done. And then I get more stressed and have even less energy. It's a very vicious cycle.

        • Link

          Yeah, I kno. Bad times all around.

  • Link

    i just bumble through pretending i know what i'm doing, or how to talk to people, bark