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Now time to get my Priorities Straight by c0sm0

I guess I need to do this journal do I? So I guess I'm all finished on my 10 limited requests even. And now I'm about to set my priorities from here until April since I think I owe a lot of people some art, especially commissions and trades. Now to start, I think my art style is now evolving a lot due to how I use my tablet. I could get an Intuos5 in the near future if I got enough funds. Same goes to my computer, I'm about to replace this soon with a much faster one in 2014. It's still going strong, don't worry.

So the art: well due to the 10 limited requests, I forgot that I owe two people some art. One is a trade and another is two Wing-It Commissions (I won't reveal that anyway). Also I am seeing a lot of people doing a lot of YCH auctions lately, as I got no idea what is going on right now. I should do two of those, involving some characters I adopted. And also there is some characters that I need to create on my own.

To list it down:

* I need to do my part of me and fursat's trade

* miyakotheowlette owe me two Wing-It commissions

* I need to do two YCH auction pictures

* Color the rest of my pending linearts and do a Valentine's Day Pic

* Do a LGD character

* Organize another livestream and commissions

Well this is a bit long but for those who owe me trades and commissions, please be patient. I'm very sorry if the 10 request list froze my progress on those. And I haven't started on them. >A<

Now time to get my Priorities Straight


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