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Apparently today is "International Men's Day." Seriously? by ericthemoogle
What, are we going to be seeing White History Month or Straight Pride Parades next?

Maybe I'm off base here; unlike racism or homophobia there are a few disadvantages men have that women don't - issues with domestic violence and rape laws, things like Stop and Frisk tend to target men, men having stereotypically "girly" interests is more frowned upon than the reverse, the existence of prostate cancer (although all of those except the cancer - and indeed most other disadvantages men have - are predicated on the stereotype that "women are weak," which kinda undermines the premise even further) - but I don't think the kinds of people who think this is a thing that needs to happen - the Paul Elams, TJ Kincaids, and other "Men's Rights Activists" of the world - are really, really not the kinds of people who care about real issues, so to me this seems kinda like, well, White History Month or Straight Pride Parades as I mentioned above.

(BTW, if you'd like to defend said concepts, to use a crass analogy, just keep in mind that there's a reason one does not receive blue shells whilst in first place in Mario Kart.)

EDIT: I have decided that I was not at all off base; this shit is a rubbish idea and "Men's Rights Activism" is the least legitimate cause ever conceived by a human. Literally every systemic disadvantage that men have is a result of the stereotype that men are superior to - and thus should not be like - women; that is, every systemic disadvantage men have is a side effect of misogyny. Basically, misandry is not a fucking thing you fucking morons and an "International Men's Day" is a waste of everyone's time.

Apparently today is "International Men's Day." Seriously?


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    I agree with you, but the world needs to stop making individual rights and make equal right. Sexual quality prides, Multi-color history month, etc.

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    Mario Kart is bullshit anyways >/

    And yes, male privilege and all that. People on twitch bitching because everyone has to have a shirt on because a girl questioned why men are allowed to expose their breasts but she couldn't.